have this fantasy about actually participating again in Thursday 13, you know, a real post with 13 things I found here or there, or 13 videos... where have my video posts gone?! Those kinds of posts take a little planning and effort, things that are in rather short supply in my blog world, as I'm using them up in my "other" life. You know, the life that involves actually getting something done!
But for today... I'm sticking with the tried and true 13 questions of the daybook, a little window into my life. (I know, you're thinking, really? More about the yard? Really, Sher? Sorry...)
Outside my window... (writing this Wednesday night) there is a massive lightening storm in the mountains. A while ago there were a few moments of wild wind that caused me to run around like a crazy woman and make sure I didn't have any garden implements lying about the yard. We have not had any big storms in ages, so I am very much enjoying watching this. Wish there was a little thunder and rain to go with it--it's very still and hot out there... I'm sure a few pasture fires will pop up tonight; I bet the fire guys are on high alert!
I am thinking... that I love life. Such a sap, I know. But I do. With all of it's ups and downs and sideways turns, it is so good to feel this appreciation for my life and the people in it. Bo-nus.
I am thankful... that our rototiller is working really well. I caused mild consternation when I reported some fits and starts (and little puffs of oil smoke) to husband a couple of weeks back and he asked if I'd added oil recently. "Um, I need to do that?" was my sweet little response. Well, NOW I know. (Actually I'm pretty sure I've been told that before, but my memory... sigh.) Anyway, he added oil last weekend and it's working like a dream. Whew.
In the kitchen... the countertops are overflowing with zucchini, summer squash, red onions, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and one beautiful eggplant. I made a really cheesy batch of pesto at lunchtime and thoroughly enjoyed it with some orzo and tomatoes. Summer heaven!
I am wearing... running gear. (It's now Thursday morning. Keep up, would you?) Had a pretty so-so little run this morning, one of those one-foot-in-front-of-the-other trots... but at least I did it, so there's something to that!
I am creating... plans for next-ups on the crochet list. And the embroidery list. And the calligraphy list. And most of all, creating some structure to my daily schedule to get some things accomplished! Chop chop!
I am going... nowhere? That sounds kinda lame... there's no real plan for a trip coming up (until October, then November). I would really like to go and see my Grandma in Canada, but Seth is tied up sixteen ways (so to speak) with band stuff in the foreseeable future, so it may have to wait until closer to Christmas.
I am wondering... why people include their photo with a resume (I'm helping with hiring at one of my volunteer gigs). Well, actually, I know (they're pretty people). I just wonder where they got the idea that that is a good thing? It's kind of odd, I think. Most people can be Googled, anyway, especially if they are on Linkedin or Facebook. But sending a picture along says, to me, "Look at me! Aren't I attractive?" Oh, and the other thing I really find odd--when people refer to themselves (either in person or on their resume) in the third person. I can't tell you how much that just makes my eyes roll.
I am reading... Born to Run. Finally. My parents gave it to me at least two years ago. I'm cracking it, guys, finally! And getting the old 5-fingers out again too... still can't run in them (for more than a minute or two), but I'm working toward it... I also just finished
Women, Food and God--listening in audio--and I'm actually going to go through it again. My attention span with the nonfiction and listening... not the best. And the content is good enough that I know hearing it again will be helpful. I really appreciated that book much more than I thought I would. Lots of things applicable to life, not just our relationships with food and God. I wish, though, that it didn't have the "Women" in the title; I think everyone should read it, not just women... but, she probably thought guys wouldn't pick the book up anyway, so why target them?
I am hoping... that this fall is everything I want it to be. I have high expectations for what I want to get done, and in general I look forward to this season more than any other, though I suppose spring is a close second...
I am looking forward to... doing my own Shellac nails today. I have done a couple of experiments with this system, but used other nail polish (Gellish) and wasn't wild about the results (probably user error, mostly). Tomorrow it will be the real deal, with a friend. A very girly thing, I know...
I am hearing... tractors in a field somewhere nearby. The sliding doors are open for the morning breeze, and it's a lovely morning out there.
Around the house... I keep tromping in dirt from the garden. Go figure.
I am pondering... how this question is different from wondering? Feels similar to me. But in terms of pondering, I'm pondering an approach I want to take with a new fabric project, and how to get it to look like I want... It will take a bit of fiddling around, but I think I'll get it eventually... hence, the pondering.
One of my favorite things... is sleep. When I am shy on sleep I am not a happy camper.
A few plans for the rest of the week... more yard stuff, more house stuff, some volunteer stuff, a very happy pick up of the boy from school on Friday, and then family stuff. You know, the usual stuff. The stuff that makes me smile so big.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Can you believe that color? I just adore
that floor. Shocked, aren't you?!
I hope your Thursday is off to a great start, or middle, or finish... well, wherever you are in your day, make it a great one, OK? And if you have some great plans for the rest of the week, I'd love to hear about them in the comments--somebody out there certainly MUST have more going on than I do, right?! Tell me!
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