Meanwhile, amid the funk, always the grateful.
From Beehive Kitchenware
For wisdom. Whether gleaned from others or pulled through my own thick cobwebby brain in the middle of a dark night, I do appreciate what we as humans can come up with to solve our problems, some times.
For experience. Which hopefully then leads to wisdom. But not always...
For clever shops. Found one this week: Petit Collage. So sweet. Must throw baby showers. Anyone? Anyone? Is it too soon for Baby B to have a sib? I'm just asking... a girl can ask, can't she?
For reassurance. "'For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11) Yep, that kind of reassurance.
For rain. And dark clouds against the mountains. And rainbows. Always with the rainbows...
For inspiration, even in the unlikeliest of places.
For laughter. Even if sometimes I have the MOST unladylike snort. Can't help it, honest. Trying to find a way to reframe snorting AS ladylike... any ideas would be helpful.
For companionship and love and affection and more. And, for knowing more about what all those words mean than I did in my 20s. Thank goodness.
For peace. And quiet.
For the words: "Love you more."
For reciprocity. Even the word is delightful. Say it slowly. Isn't that a lovely word?
For eggs. Had a lovely gift of some farm-fresh eggs this week and promptly whipped up some delish egg salad. There is nothing quite like the depth of flavor from farm eggs. I need chickens. I feel chickens in my future.
For asparagus. I revel in being smack in the middle of asparagus season, and happy as can be.
For people I've never met but have gotten to know anyway. (Online.) (Didn't that used to have such a connotation to it? Not so much anymore, as long as the email address isn't from the penitentiary...)
For music. Met up with my favorite Walla Walla Mama Music this morning for coffee and chat (always delightful!) and received some tunes. Sweet listening. And earlier, via Facebook, saw a video of Joshua Bell that led me to an early morning YouTube video-chasing session, landing me at this one, which I adore. And led me then to iTunes so the album could be mine.
For memories. I went and saw Joshua Bell when he was about 17 and I was 16, at the Spokane Opera House (that kind of makes it sound like it was just the two of us, but there were a few hundred other people there as well!). He was a violin wunderkind at the time... still is, though less kind, if you know what I mean. But it's a very specific memory in a sea of many many less-specific memories, and it came back to me today when watching his videos.
For sleep. Love that stuff. Looking forward to a whole basket of it over the weekend!
For the ability to follow directions and find ways to figure stuff out. Hence, less reading the Photoshop manual, more watching videos and tutorials. It's just what works for me.
Hope your weekend is filled with all good things!