But, before I nod off, take a look at my view as I drove up to the house this afternoon. How awesome is that sunshine? It felt really hard-won this week, what with the gray gray gray that had been our view up until mid-morning today.
I'm so grateful for my guys; it was a wonderful two-week holiday time with Seth, and now we still have Christmas to look forward to, as well. Husband is on the mend, and I'm grateful for that, for him. Sickness is no fun at all.
Being busy all day takes a toll on my evening meal creativity... After the flurry of holiday cooking last week, I was grateful to have some pretty quick meals at my fingertips this week (even if one of them meant a stop at take-and-bake pizza on the way home from work)!
We are blessed to live in a small town with many, many engaged and committed volunteers and social services professionals. I was grateful to have an opportunity to attend an event to honor a number of individuals this week, but one in particular is dear to my heart--the former community manager of our region's Children's Home Society. He was the leader when I first started volunteering with the organization seven-ish years ago, and I so appreciate his lifetime of effort on behalf of local children and families. Warmed my heart to be able to see him accept his award.
I'm grateful for happy memories. When the ornament below was hung on the tree last week, it reminded me of our honeyversary trip just two years ago, and how much we enjoyed Kauai. Good times... and with the gray this week, I was itching for a trip back there!
So so grateful for the weekend, for the prospect of rest, relaxation, naps... I think I told just about every person I saw today: I'm napping tomorrow by the fire. So no phone calls, people!
The brevity of this list makes it no less heartfelt. Perhaps I'll comb the depths of my gratitude for the many gifts of my life while by the fire tomorrow... perhaps not. Right now I will be grateful for a full night's contented sleep, and no alarm by which to wake! Wishing you the same.