This concept is SO COOL. I cannot wait to play around a little bit with making a page, or a quiz thingy. I don't have an immediate use, but it just seems like a piece of technology I will find eminently useful. At some point. Do check it out.
I've shared this link with a couple of people who care about this sort of thing, but wanted to share it even wider, in case you care too! Food photography. I know, these days with all my Instagramming, it would seem I don't much put a lot of time and energy into my food shots, and, well, you're right. It's unclear whether I will step up the quality any time in the near future, but you'll be the first to know! Meanwhile, that post makes for good reading.
I learned a little (OK, a lot) about Vizio in this article, and the video is interesting, too. I like a Little Company That Could! (Well, if you don't count the WalMart association...)
Husband and I had a fun chat about National Parks this last weekend, and a pipedream (or is it?) that maybe we make a list and see how many we could visit in the next 25 years or so... We both downloaded the National Parks app to our iPads, so that's a good start, right? How many have you been to? I'm a slacker compared to husband, I think... He's in the high teens, for sure. I'm hovering in the single digits. (I had no idea there are 58 "protected areas," though, did you? My excuse is having been raised in Canada. What's yours?)
I cannot help but post about yet another kale salad! I am wild for the kale! And this salad has lentils, too. Yum. (I must say, our kale is the black Tuscan variety, not the curly as pictured in the recipe. I think Tuscan is primo.)
Just in case you are wondering what to read this summer, there's a flow chart to help you out! (According to this chart's particular genius, I should be reading Swimming to Antarctica [nonfiction] or Feed [fiction]. And, I think I might just check them out. See, it works!
Think men are the early adopters on all new technology? Think again. Interesting for those of us who use technology, and a must-read for those (ahem) who are building technology for the masses.
I saw this recipe and was immediately interested. I haven't moved from interested into the action mode yet, but I will. Raspberries aren't ON around here the way that strawberries are, and I think the chia idea would work with that berry too... but I have yet to sacrifice a single berry to anything other than my bowls of strawberries and ice cream, or my breakfast smoothie... In concept, this is one worth trying, I think. I'll report back when it comes to fruition. (Get it?) (Sorry, long day.)
I hope your week is off to a fabulous start!
I've only been to five of those places! Acadia, Biscayne, Everglades, Shenandoah & Virgin Islands...must work on that! Thanks for the photography link, btw :-)
ReplyDeleteGreat blog and DELICIOUS picutres here in this post!! :)
"Swimming to Antartica" is one of my favorite books- whenever I need a reminder of why I get in that pool every day, I read it. Just sharing in that knowledge of it makes me feel very powerful, like I'm part of some sort of sacred group, the obsessive swimmers ;)
ReplyDeleteOh, and salads... now every meal I have consists of a salad. Big bowls of leafy greens, beans, olives, cucumbers, onions, crunchy noodl-y things... yum. In fact I am going to go and have one now!
And I totally believe that women are the early adapters of technology. I never spend much on gadgets, but I willingly went ahead and spent the insane amount of money on the very first Tivo, back when it was released. And the first iPod, as well. I usually wait a bit, but when something comes along that truly simplifies and enriches life, it's totally worth the splurge.