
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday 13: Stuff to share

I haven't done one of my info-roundups lately (but you can see a few of my past ones here, here and here), and folder of items I want to share has gotten a bit full... so I'm mixing it up on a Thursday, and posting a few choice tidbits I've had tucked away. Enjoy!

1. With summer coming (theoretically... it still feels rather slow but I'm not complaining, at least there aren't any tornadoes!), I am in desperate need to get the freezer cleaned out and ready to receive new bounty. Here's a great article to inspire me. I love the idea of writing the contents on the door in dry-erase marker. Quite clever.

2. I am a big Tetris fan. I lost hours/days/weeks to Tetris in college (back in the day). And also, maybe a little bit of time a couple of years ago when we were reintroduced... but this outfit would tip me over from fan to fa-NA-tic, for sure! Still, kinda cool...

3. Have you run out of meal ideas? Here are 100 recipes to rev up your menu planning.

4. Looking for a new crafty outlet? Just a few (100 tutorials) ideas to get your creative juices flowing...

5. This concept has me so intrigued... I believe that I would totally eat salad every day if I had salad in a jar:

I have one of those FoodSaver things, but have never used the vacuum-pack attachment... might just need to get that figured out, head to Costco and come home with a truckload of lettuce!

6. Just a little bit of leftover royal wedding hoopla: Some dude got Wills and Kate tooth tattoos. Good grief.

I'm now officially done talking about the royal wedding. Thought you'd want to know.

7. How to be like Steve Jobs. I have been feeling the pain of iTunes this week, so I think this label is rather spot on.

8. Extreme minimalism: Could you pare your belongings down to 15 items? I'm pretty sure I couldn't... but this guy did. I kind of admire it, but also shake my head a bit at the idea. Seems a little close to that post-college "can I sleep on your sofa this week" lifestyle that everyone tries to avoid later in life...

9. Bouncing gelatin, just because it's so rad:

10. Pantone's Fall 2011 color chart. Very pretty!

11. Two items relative to cooking + time: That is, the idea that it should take TIME to make a good meal. While this is true, in theory, it's a pretty hard argument to make to people for whom time is a precious commodity, who work and juggle family activities and life. And, frankly, may not prioritize "home-cooked" meals (which everyone defines differently, of course).
a. Michael Ruhlman on quick and easy cooking.  (30-minute meals are not a good thing, in his world... He does have a point.)
b. Google has a new recipe search tool. (It does not favor the small, specialty blogs/sites, in case you're wondering. Bigger is better in their world.)

12. Mighty Girl: A lovely post about childhood memories; some really sweet memories!

13.  Fascinating obituary of an anti-social socialite.

Hope there was an item or two to pique your interest! Me, I'm especially fascinated by that obit. Which one was your favorite?

For more Thursday 13s, go here. And have a fabulous Thursday!


  1. I think I clicked on 5 or 6 of those links and now I'm off to happily read :-)

  2. My word, that obit is an interesting story. I see a movie in the works...factual or not. Has all the makings of a gem!

    Of course you know my heart always skips a beat for Pantone...great new colours, thanks to Ms. Eiseman and her crew. Love it.

    Now back to your blog to make my ferry ride a real trip!

  3. Oh, the dreaded freezer... we have *two* (regular and a deep freeze chest) and I avoid the depths of both- I keep my ice cream and veggie burgers right up front. My husband does the excavating when we require something from the depths.

    TETRIS! It's so funny you mention that because when I garden, I literally call it "Tetris Gardening"- a lot of what I do is move the plants around to best fill all the containers. If I find an empty slot in one, I literally shift everything around in all the pots to fill all the spaces. Then I plant a new seed in the empty pot and it starts all over again. I'm sure it's part of OCD, but it's always a puzzle for me!

    Salad in a jar sounds VERY interesting- we eat popcorn-bowl-sized salads every night with dinner and it would lovely not to have to always make them.

    And I have to admit, I *LIKE* my stuff. I'm not a fan of the "only own 100 things" movement. It sounds very simple and blissful, but I know everything I own (every book, every art supply, every pair of pajamas, every flavor of tea) and I love and use everything often. So I'm more of a fan of "use and love your things" than "get rid of your stuff".

  4. I'm loving that fridge idea!

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  5. Great Jello vid! Very cool list, but that's the BEST1

  6. Tetris fan here, too! Now I'll have to go find a game and play!

  7. I could pare down to 15 items for a month or two but I'd want to reclaim schtuff eventually.

    the Tetris dress is awesome!!
