
Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday night grateful moment

I couldn't resist sharing the art above, based on my earlier post for W in the A-Z blogging challenge: Wake up! Seems to go along with the theme...

This afternoon, the guys and I were fortunate enough to have some time together in the yard. I was of course amazed at the number of weeds that have found their way into the flower beds already, but they will be banished easily enough. I warned the weeds I wasn't able to get to today that I'll be back. (And I said it in the Arnold Schwartzenegger voice, too! Very effective for weed killing, I've found.)

I am so grateful for the spring color, for all the buds and blossoms and greenery, everywhere! I got a few flowers tucked into pots, and will finish filling the pots gradually, as I see additional beauties at the nurseries.

Gerberas are one of my very favorites, ever. I usually get as many colors as I can, every year.

Looks like another bumper crop year for strawberries!

Love the little faces on the violets.

We also turned the sprinklers on for the very first time, and so things got a bit of a bath. These chives were grateful for the drink!

I feel a rhubarb dessert coming on, over the weekend!

In many ways, this week flew by! There was a lot going on between work and home, and a few volunteer/side projects too. All the activity conspires to shorten the days, til I'm zooming around like a man woman! I am so grateful for the weekend, that it's here and that my guys are here too, and we will chill and peace-out for a bit together.

I'm grateful for interesting work, and interesting people to do it with.

I am grateful for soft sheets and plumped up pillows.

I'm grateful that when I can't fall back asleep in the middle of the night, I can listen to something mind-numbing like Larry King's new show on Hulu+, and I fall back asleep pretty quickly.

I'm grateful for all the flavors of spring. I have eaten more salads in the past two weeks than all winter... sad but true confession.

I'm grateful that somewhere along the way I got OK with not being liked all day every day by everybody. In my 20s, 'twas a different story; thankful for getting older.

I'm grateful for lunches with girlfriends. And texts. And short spurts of IMs (C, we really must connect one of these days!). And phone calls from dear ones while dish-doing. It's all good, these snippets of love and support.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to give back. I sat on a local foundation scholarship committee for the first time this spring and we hashed out the divvying up of the monies this week. It was invigorating and inspiring to see such commitment from a group of people who take very seriously the task of supporting young people into college.

I'm grateful for this experience of blogging A-Z, and all the fun new blogging interactions it's brought into my world. I will share more here about who I found and what inspired me the most; but as it winds down I'm almost sad to see it go. (Thank you to dear Lisa for encouraging me from the get-go.)

I'm especially grateful for the day of rest that is near, and for my family to share it with.

I hope your weekend brings you all the things you're looking for: if it's a list of honey-dos and a honey to do them, have at it. If it involves a hammock and iced tea, that sounds mighty fine as well.


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