
Saturday, April 27, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
X is for Xenodocheionology

The list of X words is, well, short.

But when I saw xenodocheionology (love of hotels, pronounced: zen-o-do-key-o-nol-o-gy), I thought, I can get on board with that! I wouldn't put me in the must-have-the-best-hotel camp, by any means, but there is something about staying in a nice hotel that is a little bit fun, a little bit luxurious. Someone else is going to make my bed? OK. I can call and have food delivered? Well, if you insist.

I was trying to remember the first nice hotel I ever stayed in... it might just be one of the Outriggers on Oahu. I have very fond memories of ordering up a lot of breakfast via room service there, and thinking, truly, this is the life. Funny what makes a 10 year old feel special.

I am pretty sure the most expensive hotel I ever stayed at was bunking with (code for: someone else paid) my brother while he was working/staying in LA, at The Peninsula. Quite a place! I think his favorite celebrity sighting there was Snoop Dog? I'm sure he'll correct me if I'm wrong.

Husband took me to NYC during our courtship (doesn't that sound romantic? It was.), and he booked us at the Lowes Regency. It was close to the park, close to midtown, and had great beds and pillows (very important in my hotel experience). When C and I went back last fall, we stayed at a little boutique place, the Carvi, also in midtown. It was tiny, but clean and decently appointed, and easy to walk everywhere we wanted to. Most important, it had free wi-fi. Who pays for wi-fi? Not me.

I read through Travel&Leisure's top hotels of 2012 and finally, at Number 43, I saw the one that makes my heart go pitter pat: The Four Seasons in Bora Bora. Wow, is all I have to say about that. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of other out-of-this-world places on the list, but I have to say the hut-over-water thing gets me every time. Definitely on the bucket list.

What's the nicest hotel you've ever stayed at? Would you go back? And what's on your bucket list?

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. I think that hotel at Bora Bora looks quite nice :). Otherwise I like the Anfi hotel at Gran Canaria.

    1. I will go check the Anfi out, Susanne. Always fun to do a little dreaming!

  2. Oh my, I think we just stayed in one of our nicest hotels...The Palliser Hotel in Calgary is very lovely. Since I was a young girl I have driven by that hotel and sighed and smiled my 'someday smile'.

    We did stay at the Four Seasons in Edmonton, I believe, years ago, for a conference...we have stayed at some very comfortable hotels and we have stayed at some real 'dives'. But with almost 47 years under our married belts you can expect a little variety.

    I could be a xenodocheionologist! Just think, someone else cooking and cleaning so I can do the fun stuff!!

    1. Glad the Calgary hotel was so nice!

      And the dives just help the lovely places appear EVEN more so!

  3. Oh yes, forgot...that place on Bora Bora? That is on my list!!!

    1. I know, right?! I have always wanted to sleep over the water in a tropical locale...

  4. Great post and what a lovely word, xenodocheionology. Who would have thought, love of hotels. :) My experiences have been mostly Days Inn, but one time in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, my daughter and I, stayed in a very nice hotel. I just can't remember the name???
    A to Z April Blogging Challenge

    1. Debra, just so we're clear, most of my hotel experiences have Hampton or Homewood in their names! But a fun experience every now and again is really memorable!

  5. I love staying in hotels too - there's something really fun about it. I don't know if you can count a cruise ship's a floating hotel right? I LOVE taking cruises! Also, that hotel in Bora Bora is definitely on my bucket list.

    Ashlee / Ramblings of a Silly Girl

    1. I think cruises count, definitely! I have only been on one--Alaska--and I definitely want to go on another.

  6. How am I ever going to remember that X-word when I can't even pronounce it?

    The nicest hotel that comes to memory was less than two weeks ago in Calgary... the Palliser. Again, thank you for that gift card.

    The hotel was all the more special after trying to find a room in a city where a major convention had all the rooms in anything worthwhile already booked. I finally found a room in a Travelodge... and when we checked in I asked for a room close to the internet router. Before we took our bags in, I hooked up my computer and after 5 minutes of trying to upload a photo to my blog and it wasn't even half done, I called the front desk and asked for my money back. Slow internet is too frustrating.

    The Palliser not only had great internet... even faster than we have at home... but in addition to a really great room, it had a good swimming pool and hot tub which we enjoyed... and a spectacularl breakfast. It was a most delightful stay after having no choices but Best Western along /Route 15 to Calgary.

    1. Zen-o-do-key-o-nology. Say it five times fast!

      I love great internet at hotels!

  7. What's the HUGE hotel in Canada that's so beautiful and that I can't rememeber the name of?? THAT's on my bucket list. :)

    AWESOME word--now, how do you pronounce it?? ;)

    1. Depends on where? Banff Springs Resort? The Empress in Victoria? Or on that other side of the country? Ha.

      Zen-o-do-key-o-nology. Should have stuck that in the original post... think I'll do that now...

  8. What I love about hotels is having no responsibilities, not just because of maid service, but because when I'm in a hotel, I'm away from the responsibilities of home and everyday life.
    I don't have a bucket list, but now I want to make one just so I can put that hotel in Bora Bora on it! :)

    Rhonda, visiting from the A to Z Challenge DizzyStir

    1. I agree, Rhonda, that's part of the joy of the hotel life!

      Coming on over to check out DizzyStir!

  9. I also love staying at hotels because it means I'm traveling and seeing something new! I stayed at a cool resort on the Gold Coast in Australia that was pretty nice! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living,

  10. Even thou there are just few words in X... they are just awesome words.

    I haven't stayed much in hotels... yea, but a few times. And I could say my most fav till date was when we went for our college tour. Not coz of the quality of the hotel, but I got to share the room with my best buddies. So it was quite memorable for me. :)

    Thanks lot for visiting my space :)

  11. Boy that X word is a mouthful. I love hotels too! Who wouldn't? It's one of life's best luxuries! That hut hotel is so gorgeous!

  12. Bora Bora looks gorgeous. It's definitely on my list of places to see. I stayed in a 5 star hotel/resort in Brunei. I have to say, despite the beauty of it all, I was kind of disappointed. I think I'd much rather stay in a 3 star hotel and be closer to the center of town and in the mix of things to go exploring. However, Trump's hotels might be a fun adventure.

    Have fun with the rest of a-z. :)

  13. My favorite hotel stay EVER was in Amsterdam. It was one of those very pleasant surprises after booking blindly on Expedia based on price and availability at the last minute. The room directly overlooked Dam Square, the bedding was heavenly, and it was the only European hotel room of the trip that I could call "spacious." And the room service breakfast? Lovely. Perfection in so many ways.

    Most recently, our stay in Anaheim was diviiiine because of the beds. I don't know what they put in them (probably powdered Valium and cotton candy) but I got the best five nights' sleep EVER.
