
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
U is for Understanding

Think about how the world would be, could be, if we were able to live out the following:

I believe the statement above would be true, if we could bring ourselves to step into that reality. The only problem is, someone has to be bold, and start. And no one really wants to be the one who puts themselves out there, because heaven's knows, people will take advantage. Sigh.

And then there's this:

When I realized how true the statement above was, it changed my life, and how I see people. No, not "oh, poor you," but, "hey, I get that," even if our battles are drastically different.

The two statements above could be construed as Giant Passes on People Behaving as Decent Humans, but they're not. They're absolutely not. They're a plea for understanding. Of each other, of yourself, of the world. Doesn't mean you let people treat you poorly, or act like jackasses. It means you know what to do with it, when it happens, and you're able to call them on their jackassery, without it being some giant emotional sinkhole. That's my thought, anyway; Golden Rule and all that--I'll do my best to understand you, you do your best to understand me. That largess of spirit, dare I say Generosity, then fosters more of the same. And so on, and so on, and so on.

P.S. To new followers and all commenters, I am sorry I haven't made the rounds in a couple of days. A typical work Monday, followed by a catering-prep Tuesday, will make for a busy Wednesday, but then life returns to "normal." I will be around to visit asap.

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. Replies
    1. The trick for me is to remember that, in the moment. Challenging.

  2. I think those are some good attitudes to have in encounters with other people. Some are so fast to judge.

    1. I can be fast to judge, too, Susanne. Working on that, daily... keeping some of these thoughts at the front of my mind certainly helps.

  3. Putting one's self into others' shoes is a skill many people simply do not take the time to master. I find my most difficult struggles with understanding come up when different cultures are involved. I dedicate a lot of my time to international issues, but I still find myself understanding more and more every day!

    I stopped by because Ida Chiavaro nominated you for a Leibster!

    Cheers from Brandy at

    1. Yeah for Ida, connecting people! I am looking forward to working on the Leibster, once the A-Z challenge is done. Thanks for coming back.

  4. Your blog today is most timely and one I have to breathe deeply to consider my reply.

    I love your 'largesse of spirit' phrase. That concept alone could make life so much gentler for all of us. Giving that spirit and in return receiving that spirit would be a major blessing. The word 'respect' goes along with this. Bow to the other person. Realize they have a life you know nothing about (the interior life).

    This is timely because I found myself in a situation just yesterday where I tried to stand up for someone that was being maligned. My sadness comes in the fact that I have not stood up more often, every time, whenever I hear anyone else being bashed!

    Your word 'jackassery' about sums up the situation.

    May I burn every time I hear someone slammed. And may I not only burn but stand up and be counted!!!!

    1. Keep breathing, Ma! And keep standing up for the maligned! xo

  5. This may be the my favourite of all or these "Alphabet Posts."

    Just excellent thoughts. Life changing.

    I love the way you elevated the word jackass to jackassery! That alone almost makes the word acceptable.

    The Og Mandino quote is a classic... and we CAN do it!

    The concept is basically Biblical. "Go the second mile." I can hardly wait to see how great the rest of the day is going to be!

    Really love seeing what each letter of the alphabet will bring tomorrow. I hate to see this coming to an end so soon.

    Further to Brandy's comment... if I could walk a day in someone else's shoes let them be golf shoes... size 11.

    i got to play twice in Kelowna without any golf shoes... and borrowed clubs, but the sky was blue and it was warm... and the company was great... and I ended up buying the golf clubs so I now have a set of clubs in Tucson and one here.

    1. Wow, a favorite?! That's cool. I'll take it.

      Glad you got some golf in on your trip. I know that always makes a stop in Kelowna more enjoyable for you!!

  6. That first quote up there I think we should all live by! This was a very inspirational post :) I'm glad I stopped by!


    1. Thanks for stopping by, Steph. I love your blog title--will come by and see what you've been up to, A-Z-wise!

  7. Some great things to remember. I always try to be understanding, but it's difficult sometimes.

    1. It can be challenging, indeed! Thanks for popping by, Kate.

  8. U: It's tough for me to see beyond the jackassery sometimes, especially when my intentions are good and I'm just trying to be fair. Fortunately, the jackasses don't raise their jackass heads nearly as often as the grateful ones.

    1. Sometimes the jackassery is so strong, it's hard to get past... so I just keep moving on... if I can!
