
Thursday, April 25, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
V is for Vows

It's coming up on eight years since husband and I sat down to write our vows--by turns fun, and by turns "what were we thinking?" There was a lot of laughter and more than a few Google searches for appropriate words/phrases/poems. I remember sitting in his living room, me with my laptop, typing away, reading aloud, hitting the delete button a few dozen times, starting over.

When the day came to recite our joint creation, I was very glad we took the time to craft something together that we both would say. Now, I wish I could remember every word. I have no idea where the piece of paper is that I had been memorizing from...

On our first anniversary I penned the piece of our vows that I found the sweetest, to give to husband. I vaguely remember it is based off some old piece of poetry, but when I tried to find it recently, no luck. If you know who might have written something about keys and hearts, let me know!

There was a bit before, and a bit after, but this nugget in the middle was my favorite, and I'll never forget it:

I belong to you
You belong to me
Of that we are certain
You are locked in my heart
The small key has been thrown away
You must stay there forever

Seth was involved in the wedding planning with us, and around when we were writing vows. He found the whole "locked in my heart" and "throw away the key" thing quite amusing, even coming up with a funny little pantomime about it--only slightly mocking coming from a 9-yr-old... anyway, I had to make sure NOT to make eye contact with him during our vows, since I knew his little grin would put me into a fit of crying or giggles.

Have you ever taken a vow? What kind? If you got married, did you write your own wedding vows? How did that go?

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. V: The art you made is beautiful, and the sentiment is so sweet. We didn't write our own vows (too nervous to say anything but "I do"), and sometimes I wish we had. It's so much more personal and memorable. I have to say, though, that I hate when people decide they'll wing it, don't prepare anything and just say whatever comes in their head. That's the bad kind of memorable. ;)

    1. I cannot imagine what would have come out of my mouth that day, had we not written it down and memorized it! Horrors! I am no "winger."

  2. There's nothing like a 9-year-old boy to keep things in perspective.

    My Guy and I wrote our vows. The only copy I have is in my sent items box, as I emailed them to our officiant. How very 21st century ... and how old-school of me to think that anything in my email is stored "for safe keeping."

    1. I do still have the ancient laptop I wrote the vows on... now you've got me thinking I should fire it up and go exploring!

  3. I belong to you
    You belong to me
    Of that we are certain
    You are locked in my heart
    The small key has been thrown away
    You must stay there forever!!!!

    I so loved this!
