
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
T is for Travel

Right now I have the Travel bug.

I stood in front of the board at Sea-Tac last Friday and thought, Oh! Where would I like to go?

Granted, I was in the local-regional terminal, so the dreaming was pretty limited. But still. I am ready to plan something grand.

It doesn't have to happen soon(ish), in fact, planning is half the fun. Goodness knows I love home, but sometimes seeing the sights makes you remember why you love home so much--maybe I'm in need of that reminder, right about now!

So... where should we plan to get to, in our Next Big Adventure?

Where I've been:
*Hong Kong
*Australia (Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne)
*Marshall Islands
*Canada (does that count, since I was raised there?):
*Washington, DC
*Alaska (cruisin')

Where I want to go:
*Europe, in general...
*Early Christian church tour of Turkey/Greece
*Africa: a safari...
*A cruise!

Kauai double rainbow.

Road-trippin' to Canada.

Lady Liberty.

Hawaiian sunset.

I think *this* is the feeling I'm craving right about now.

Is there anywhere you're hankering to get to? Tell me where!

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. You are in the busiest time of your life...hard to pull away for enough time to really feel refreshed.

    We do like cruises because of the relaxing/refreshing atmosphere. Every time you stop to see another city/region you are not having to pack up suitcases and dash to catch the next train/plane/car.

    Good luck in your travel plans...the research will reward you down the road.

  2. Exactly. I just think of this as "a season." It will pass, and another will take its place...

    Happy trails!

  3. Nice! It's not every travel board that lists Walla Walla as a destination. In fact, I don't think I've noticed one. :-)

    1. Really? You just don't hang around in the right terminals, obviously! ;)

  4. I'm in the travel mood too which is rare for me. I'm such a homebody:))

    1. I am, too, in many ways. But every once in awhile...

  5. I'm good where I am for right now! I'm having fun exploring this new city!! xo!

    1. That's nice to hear. So all I really need to do, then, is travel TO you?! Ha. xo

  6. I agree - planning is part of the fun. In fact, I think I enjoy the anticipation more than anything.

    1. I like the planning too. A girlfriend and I planned an NYC trip last fall, and we had a blast with all the back and forth via email and text on what to do, where to go, etc.

  7. Italy! Handsdown! I would leave tomorrow if I could!! You've gone so many places. I am truly jealous!
    A to Z-ing to the end
    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. I have been to places, but all in that one direction: West, across the Pacific. Now I want to go across the Atlantic and discover new places! Italy is definitely high on the list.

  8. We are within 10 minutes of Mayne Island... and soon we'll be climbing the hill to home.

    It has been a great trip back to Canada, good roads, good visits, good sights and photos along the way.

    As much we love to travel, we always look forward to coming home. Travel always makes home look better to us.

    But soon we will flying away to Europe for a couple of cruises in the Mediterranean.

    1. Rough life! ;) Glad for you that you're home, glad you get to have some new adventures soon too!

      Sleep well, in your own bed. Ahhhhh.

  9. Would love to be somewhere warm...our temperatures are finally going to be warm over the weekend. The snow has been beautiful on my mountains, but my soul is longing for a change. :-)


    1. I don't blame you one bit, Donna! There's a time for snow, and and time for no-snow... now is the time for no-snow!! Hope the warmth comes your way, soon.

  10. T: I love your travel photos in the post. My wish list is very, very long. Vacations are fab!
