
Monday, April 1, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
A is for Asian-inspired salad

Sometimes the menu mood calls for a crunchy salad, full of vegetables and lightly dressed. Some might call the following dish a coleslaw--I waffle between a chopped salad and, yes, coleslaw. Though, while many coleslaws get weighed down with heavy, sweet, mayo-laden dressings, this version keeps it light and tangy. I often mix the main salad contents up with whatever vegetables are around--asparagus will be a wonderful addition when it is available here locally in the next month or so! Also, colored peppers (red, yellow, orange) make a lovely and vibrant addition in the summer months!

Asian-inspired salad 
Serves 8-10 as a side dish
1 cup cucumber, quartered and sliced thinly
1 bunch radishes, halved and sliced thinly
1/2 head green cabbage (or a bag of coleslaw from the produce section), chopped fine
1 cup peapods, cut into 1/4-inch slices
1/2 cup carrots, shredded, or baby carrots sliced thinly
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped finely

5 tablespoons canola oil
3 tablespoons rice vinegar
2 teaspoons light soy sauce
1 1/2 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon lime juice

Chop all the vegetables and mix together thoroughly in a large mixing bowl.

Mix the dressing ingredients in a small bowl, whisk vigorously to blend well.

Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss to coat. Serve immediately, or chill until ready to serve.

The bonus of this salad is that it doesn't immediately break down as many other salads do--especially greens-based salads. I was pleased to have some as leftovers the day following a stirfry, springroll and salad feast, and the vegetables still had a great deal of crunch. How often can you say that about a salad?


What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. Wow that salad looks stunning. :-)

    Minion<= I'm minioning for one of the Challenge hosts, monitoring part of the blog lists. Nothing wrong with yours, but as you can see, I'm a compulsive commenter. ;-)

    1. Well, I love comments, so visit often, even if I'm not a problem child! ;)

  2. It sounds yummy, except for the cucumber and radishes. What would happen if I substituted something else crunchy, like apples or added purple cabbage for more color? Too different? Would you reduce the sugar in the dressing? I may have to experiment with this!

    1. I totally think that either (or both) apple and purple cabbage could work, Willa. In fact, you've inspired me to give it a whirl! I'll keep you posted... and good hunch to lessen the sugar, if you have an apple (or pear--I love pears in salad!) in the mix.

      Thanks for coming by!

  3. Yum, yum, YUM! I can't wait to make this!!!

  4. Will your whole theme be food? Are these things you have created or made yourself? Are these answers I could find by poking around your blog?

    1. No, I'm not sticking to a theme, Mock. I did an intro post that kind of explains my "thing," which is a little of this and that--random things that inspire me. If you noodle around a bit, you'll definitely get my vibe--a lot of color, food, quotes, inspiration, gratitude.

      Thanks for coming by!

  5. I love salads like this...this recipe will be a good one to try. I look forward to reading the rest of your posts through the month of April. I too am working through the alphabet in the A to Z Challenge. What fun!


    1. Thanks, Donna, I will definitely come by and visit you too--anyone who has joy in their blog name is worth a view in my book!

      If you hit my recipe tab above, you'll see other salads (and other dishes too) like this one. I am a fan of hearty salads that you can make a meal of (which is what I'm eating as I type this!)

      Thanks for coming by!

  6. nom nom nom

    Popped in from the AtoZ Challenge.

  7. Ooooh! I love new recipes! I will definitely be trying this!

    1. Thanks for coming by, Samantha. I hope you enjoy this salad!

  8. *droooooooooooool.....mmmmm. :) xo!

  9. OK, so my phone and iPad are both impossible to use for commenting--I have no idea why--so even though I've been reading all your alphabet posts, I haven't had a chance to sit with my laptop and leave comments. Get ready!!

    A: this salad looks so delicious and it's super-pretty. My complaint with Asian recipes is that I'm always missing some kind of fancy oil or spice from my cabinet. There's a huge Asian market not too far from us, so it's not like I can't easily *find* the fancy oil or spice... I just don't think about it when I'm near there. Pffft.

    1. I'm still just tickled that you came by and did all your commenting in one fell swoop. Very fun, for me!

      Seeing this salad again now... makes me wanna make it!
