
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
B is for Box of Crayons

Every once in awhile, in the torrent that is same-sounding business/life advice, there is a bright spot. Maybe it's in content, maybe it's in delivery. In an ideal world, it is both.

This is not a promotional post: I don't know anyone at Box of Crayons, I haven't done business with them, and I'm not getting any kickbacks.

I just like their message: Anyone can do good work. Few people set the bar at great work.

This applies to all of us, in my mind, whether you're a SAHM or retired, or somewhere on the "corporate" ladder. It's about getting to what you do best, and doing more of THAT. For me, it means letting some things go while focusing more deeply on more important, necessary items--my interests and curiosities are so wide, I can get scattered between them. I don't want to miss ANYthing; what if something interesting is happening over there, while I'm focused over here?

So, what I say to myself is: Get over it. You're not missing out on anything. You don't need to see/hear/absorb it all. Pick wisely, your life and time is limited. (Some days I'm better at hearing that than others, of course!)

When I first discovered Box of Crayons, I was struck by their logo. Me and my color love.

Then I saw a video or two from their movie library, and I realized I'd seen some of their videos around the internet, but hadn't pursued figuring out where they came from. There are longer videos in the library that--when you have time--are worth a peek, but this one gives you a quick sense of what they're driving at: You're alive! Do something!

The Box of Crayons logo is more, to me, than just a bunch of colored dots. It reminds to me to pick the best colors in the box to color the picture (life!) in front of me. And to do it boldly. No timid middle.

Have a great day!

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!

P.S. B is also for birthdays, of which my brother has one--today! Happy birthday, Shelby. Here's hoping for a flu-free and joyful day (and year to come!) for you. xo


  1. Great advice all around. I love the idea and can't wait to implement the idea of getting out the timid middle into my life. Thanks for these words of encouragement!


    1. I'm glad the idea resonated with you too, Donna. (I love your "Grace," in your signature, btw.)

    2. I have used "Grace and peace be yours in abundance" for years as a closing to all correspondence. For this type though, I shorten it. Thanks!

  2. So true. It's so important to do things that add value. Thank you for sharing this. I definitely want to find out more.

    1. Thanks, Misha. That's a great way to think of things--do they add or subtract value from my life?

  3. Great advice. Go for it. With colors!

    1. Agreed, Willa! (And just wait until you see tomorrow!)

  4. What an uplifting post! I loved your analogy and now I'm curious about that Box of Colors business...

  5. Visiting from the A-Z Challenge! Your blog has such a pretty and inviting name :)
    Thanks for introducing me to Box of Crayons. I've never heard of them before, but they seem to be worth knowing.

  6. Sherilee, your blog colors, title, and graphics are so pleasing to the eye, I would enjoy visiting even if your posts weren't interesting. I always learn something new. Box of Crayons sounds like another fun site for my list. Thanks!

    I'm doing the A-Z Challenge , as well.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. B: There's nothing like a brand new box of crayons. (Yes, I know this post has nothing to do with crayons, but I just wanted to say that I love crayons.) ;)

    1. I love crayons too. It has been WAY too long since I bought a new box. Great idea...
