
Sunday, March 31, 2013

April A-Z blogging challenge:
Here we go!

My friend Lisa, let's blame her, shall we? Meeting her online last year, and then IRL soon thereafter--oh the joy of local blogging friends!--has been a joy. She's inspirational in many ways, not the least is her by turns thoughtful and humorous blog that I follow, and the A-Z blogging challenge she's participated in for two years. I could say that she's now twisted my arm into joining. Wait, what? Twisted my arm? Oh, how I wish. No, she mentioned it, a time or two, in passing. And then posted the badge to her blog. That's all it takes for me, apparently... I'm in.

And in true Sher style, I thought, no worries. I've always got something to say, right? An opinion. Something pretty to share, a new recipe or Pinterest fad, right? Until today. The panic set it, just a wee bit. I have nothing to say! No opinions! Nothing fresh that hasn't been said, and said better, a thousand times. Then Lisa and I texted, and I feel better. (Thanks, friend. Hope I didn't panic YOU!)

The deal is this: blog the alphabet, every day (except Sundays), on whatever topic you choose, so long as it starts with the letter of the day. Some people do themes; many, many do not. The blogging pool is big (I was number 1,400 when I officially signed up last week), and people visit a few blogs every day.

So if you're a regular around here, expect a bit of a change of pace for April. And yet, not. If there's anything I have a difficult time with, it's being someone or something other than just me. So the things that I usually blog about--food, color, music, inspiration in whatever form I see it around me... those are still the things I'll blog about in April. But I'll be working it into the overall alphabet theme and seeing how it goes.

Come along for the ride, I can't imagine it being anything other than a blast. (Remind me of that at 3 a.m., when I'm pretty sure I'll be awake, panicking about a few of those more peculiar letters... "U" anyone? How about "Q?")

Wish me luck!


  1. Let's just all plan on panicking when we get to X shall we??


  2. Happy A-Zing! Looking forward to reading your posts :)

    1. Thanks for coming by, Zainab! I'm less panicked this morning... we'll see how it goes! :)

  3. I am looking forward to reading your posts. I am excited to see how others blog about the alphabet.

    1. It certainly will be fun to look around and see the different approaches. Thanks for coming by, Dobson.

  4. Best of luck with the challenge! Trust me on this. It's really not that scary. This is my third year. :-)

    BTW, I'm your blog's minion, so I'll be back to check on how you're doing.

    My Writing Blog
    My Life Blog

  5. SUPER cool- I'm excited to read new posts from you so often!!

  6. Thanks for your encouragement, Chel! I will need it as I plug away at this--right now I'm excited too. In a week or two... we'll see!

  7. Oh that sounds so super cool! Wow, that will get the blogging juices flowing! Wonderful! Looking forward to this.
