
Friday, April 5, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
E is for Eggs

Eggs were everywhere just two weeks ago, weren't they? Around Easter, they seem to grow on trees!

Well, in my world, eggs are more than holiday fodder, they are a staple. While I've never set out to eat them every day, I enjoy them in various ways throughout the week, and as I was eating egg salad tonight (see "comfort food" below), my previous "E" thoughts were completely eclipsed by the egg. 

When I think of comfort food? Egg salad. (I have a couple of variations: curried, asparagus...)

When I think of breakfast? Eggs, in many forms. I eat them every weekend, for sure. You should see how many photos of eggy breakfasts I have on my phone!

When I think of picnics? Deviled eggs. (And potato salad with eggs, of course.)

How many other ways can eggs be whipped up? Let's see: poached, coddled, soft-boiled, scrambled, baked (you must check this recipe out), in omeletes, quiches, soup, eggnog, custards, frittatastamagoyaki, and a couple of lesser-known variations: the egg quesadilla (a favorite of mine!) and gribiche.

And that doesn't even begin to touch the number of dishes that rely on eggs for their scientific properties, which add to the binding, the leavening, and if you separate the eggs, the volume of a recipe, as well.

I had a friend, once upon a time, who developed a distaste for eggs. I can't think of another way to put it: she suddenly couldn't stand them in dishes--claimed she could taste them in baked goods--and the thought of a whole cooked (boiled) egg really repulsed her. The odd thing is, she is also the person who taught me to make egg gravy. I don't have the timing down--this is more than 20 years ago now--so I don't know which came first, the egg gravy or the distaste? Luckily, her lack of love for the egg did not stay with me as anything other than a memory.

Eggs have taken a bad health rap in the past, but it mostly appears those days are over and the high protein content outweighs the previously condemned high-fat and high-cholesterol nature, and so we're able to happily consume, guilt-free (ish).

I can't pick a favorite way to eat eggs, can you? Let me know!

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. Eggs are very handy for breakfast or whatever meal if you're in a hurry. Sometimes if I'm lazy I just boil a few eggs, then I don't have to cook so much more for a few hours :).
    Something I've never understood is poached eggs. Eggs and vinegar? Ewww..

    1. I love having hard boiled eggs around too.

      So the thing with poaching is that you don't actually have to use vinegar. And if you do, it's only a wee bit to have the white stay together. But I make poached eggs all the time with no vinegar:

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. (In my best Homer Simpson voice) Mmmmmm.....eggs. My favorite way is probably hard-boiled, followed by over-easy eggs with a breakfast meal. (With bacon, of course!) But, like you, I enjoy just about every version: deviled, scrambled, omeletted (?), etc.

    Stopping by from the A to Z challenge. Happy blogging! :)

  3. Hello. Make mine sausage/egg casserole, which can be eaten for breakfast, brunch, lunch, or supper. Yum! I also like them just about any way they can be prepared. However, the whites must be cooked done and not runny. Thanks for the post. Best regards to you. Ruby.

    1. I completely agree that the whites must be done, Ruby. The yolk can run or be soft (unless it's boiled, then it is acceptable to be hard), definitely.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I loves me some eggs. Especially when I don't have to cook them--as in hey, let's grab breakfast somewhere that's not my house! :) xo!

    1. No, really. Let's grab breakfast soon. :)

    2. Really. Let's. I'll come to you, since you came here most recently. Bold words, but I mean them!

  5. I love eggs in any form, but if they are scrambled, I don't like them cooked through. I love the creaminess of a soft scrambled egg. Yummy!


    1. I love soft scrambled eggs too, Donna. Low heat, turn them often, it's like a dream!

  6. I love the pictures in your posts! So bright and colorful!
    I like egg whites more than the egg yolks. But boy your post sure made me hungry for some eggs!

    1. You take the whites, I'll take the yolks, it's a deal! I hope you made some eggs!

  7. I love eggs! They were my letter 'E' today, too!

    1. How fun. I'm coming over to check out your eggs now...

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. The egg tree is amazing! I don't think I've ever seen so many eggs on a tree. (Visiting from the A-Z Challenge.)

  9. E: we've been away from home for the past several Easters and haven't boiled/colored eggs. Your colorful photo reminds me of the fun we're missing out on by skipping this tradition. There are so many pretty ways to decorate them too! Would it be weird for me to do it, like, NOW? Yes, yes, it would.

    1. Never. I say go for it. It can always be Easter, in your heart. (OK, so maybe that's pushing it...)
