
Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday night grateful moment

You're surprised I'm doing a grateful list in the middle of the A-Z blogging challenge? Don't be surprised. If you've been following this blog from its beginning, or hopped on at any point along the way, you surely know that if there's ever a post to NOT be missed, it is the Friday night grateful moment. Hell or high water, there's a post. They're not always fly-me-to-the-moon posts, but gratitude is posted, dammit.

This week has been a fun one, with the A-Z challenge. I'm more than a bit thankful to have the weekend to get caught up/organized for the coming week, in more ways than just blogging! I'll also have a chance to visit other fun blogs in the challenge.

We had a wonderful storm here last night. I was on the phone with dear friend Kate, talking about life and options/opportunities, and I watched the storm roll in, described it to her, took some pictures while on my phone, and kept talking. I love spring storms here in Walla Walla, and this one was perfect--not too long or destructive, though some people I know had power outages for more than an hour--it seemed to sweep through dramatically. The first picture is mine, but the last two are not--they were posted on Facebook, from other parts of town. I tell you, Facebook is really helpful, in learning about weather. Politics, not so much, but weather, yes!

I am so grateful for laughter. Such a release. This video is posted for a co-worker who makes me laugh (much appreciated on long days!).

Seth's been spring-break road-tripping this week, keeping in touch via text. Sure grateful to have the ability to keep in touch that way. And will be thankful to have him home on Monday too!

It's my Grandma's birthday today--she's 94. Such an amazing thing, 94 years on the planet. I'm glad that she has family with her on this day--at least two of my aunts are with her, as well as my brother and his family. When I think of my grandma, I have many memories over the years, but the most precious to me are the more recent visits, as they are sweeter each time. (The Helen Steiner Rice poem below the picture of Grandma is in her honor, as she loves a little HSR.)

For all the little things that go into a day: morning routines, work, meetings, email, conversation and discussion, debate, more email, evening routines, peaceful quiet time, sleep (theoretically) and the whole thing all over again. Sounds a bit hampster-wheel-like when I put it like that, but the routines are good too. I have always liked routine, and being adaptable, I can get into the rhythm of things even if a routine changes...

I saw the video below awhile back, and then again recently. Had to share. It makes me realize what a very white middle class North American existence I have. Which is fine, I'm not all guilty-like about that, I'm very grateful for the blessings and aware of the responsibilities that come with those blessings, but wow, we are in a bubble, aren't we. (And yes, I'm putting you in that bubble with me.)

I hope your weekend brings you peace and sleep and all little joys that make ending one week and beginning another so wonderful! 


  1. XOXOXOOXO!!!!! :) Now, go to bed. ;)

    1. I believe I was, very soon thereafter... only after stalking YOU a little bit, though. Of course. xo

  2. It's always great to be thankful. I love your photos and videos! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I find the habit of gratitude to be very rewarding, Heidi. I've posted a Friday night grateful moment every Friday for the past 4.5 years. Makes a crap week better, and makes a good week fabulous!

  3. Those storm photos are awesome and eerie in equal measure!
    dreaminofobx, dropping in from the A to Z Challenge Things I See and Know

    1. It was an awesome and eerie storm, Michelle!

      Thanks for coming by!

  4. happy birthday to your hat-rockin' Grandma! Love those storm pictures WOW!!!

    1. It was one of those storms that is so fun to watch roll in, Janet. Changed every minute, was here, and then gone.
