
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
C is for Color palettes

Some day, on my rainbow-hued gravestone, I imagine an engraving: "The color was strong with this one." Ha.

Not sure *exactly* where it came from, but having a mother whose focus was on home interiors and father whose focus was on home exteriors and both of them interested all things design/art, I guess it shouldn't be too much of a shock. 

My "personal palette" is generally considered bright and bold, and has only grown more so as I've gotten older. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably be the neon geriatric lady in the nursing home! To which I say, what's your problem with that?! (As I write that, I sense that if you don't know me, you might think I'm a walking rainbow... not quite. Not at all, really. Only occasionally!)

But, here's my favorite scarf:

There are a number of color palette generators out there on the interwebs, and I thought I'd share a few of the ones I've enjoyed uncovering. That way, you know, if you're ever needing to create a palette from a picture you have on hand, well, you'll be able to!

picture from this recipe

picture from this recipe

picture from this recipe

And, if you're in the mood to browse other people's color palettes:

Design Seeds

Wherever you Wednesday takes you, I hope there is color aplenty.

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. I will sit with you in the old folk's home, we can play chess while wearing our neon scarves!! :)

  2. Wow. You weren't kidding about the 'wait till you see the next post' on one of the comments in the previous posts.

    This is so bright and fresh. Definitely cheered me up. And I have this gut feeling that the colour palettes are going to come in handy someday. Thank you for sharing this :)

    1. Yes, color is a theme with me--glad you enjoyed!

  3. Delightful post. I'm so envious of people who really understand colour. Love your image of the neon geriatric - it reminds me of Jenny Joseph's poem 'When I am old, I shall wear purple'. Go out in striking colour, I say!

    1. I have always associated purple with old ladies... one of my grandmas was a real lavender lady.

      Thanks for visiting!

  4. Very interesting. I am usually drawn to earth tones...not quite as bold as what you prefer. Maybe I need to try something a little different, or perhaps add one bold color to my palate. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it!


    1. I like earth tones too--our house interior is very neutral: tans and taupes and blues... but what draws me in is bright and cheery. Do I always wear it? No. Office wear tends to be pretty black and white and brown and gray for me--especially over winter. I enjoy switching that up a bit in the spring and summer!

  5. Fun post! I'm another color lover. I had mine "done" years ago when seasons were in style - I'm a solid autumn, no question about it. But I like colors outside of that palette, too. When I shop, color is the first thing I go for, before style, pattern, size, or anything else. Yes, the color is strong in me, too!

    1. My mom used to "do" colors. I was always caught between a spring and a summer... as I've gotten older, I'd put myself more clearly into the summer world, with cooler, crisper, brighter colors than a spring.

      Thanks for the fun remembrance of color from a long time ago!

  6. the neon geriatric lady in the nursing home! LOL :D

    I've used Colour Lovers before but the rest are new to me - thanks!

    1. Yep, that will be me. Now... what color should my hair be?! Ha.

  7. I love color!! Sadly I'm partly color-blind so I don't always match. I simply say, "Well, in my world it all works." More people should embrace color. It brightens life.

    1. I agree, color does brighten life, junebug! Matching is highly overrated, anyway! :)

  8. C: I love color too, and I love that scarf that is SOOOOO you. xoxo

    1. I am very predictable in my color love, I know. Pathetically so...
