
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thursday 13: 13 things I'm looking forward to eating today

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I know, this post should be filled with 13 quotes of gratitude, or 13 reasons I'm glad I married my husband six years ago today (there are more than 13, for sure) or some other deep and meaningful post, but nope. You get to hear what I'm excited to eat today. This is my favorite food day of the year. Period. Yum.

Tomorrow I'll make a stab at deep and meaningful, I promise.

Thirteen sounds like a lot of items to eat, but as I got rolling with it, it does appear that indeed, we will have at least 13 items at our ample buffet...

1. Turkey. I roasted three turkeys last week for a YoungLives dinner, so I'm feeling really ready to roast again! I experimented with a very simple roasting technique (450 for the first hour, 350 for the next three or so hours, cover as needed) and stuffed it with garlic, lemon and sage. And butter. That's it. It was amazing, and I think we'll give that a go again today.
2. Turkey loaf. This one is an old family favorite, from our more vegetarian days. Even though we all love turkey, we really can't envision the holidays without both on our plates. How odd, I know. But very "us."
3. Stuffing. We'll roll pretty simply with this one. Sourdough, cornbread, herbs. No nuts, no fruit, no meat. Definitely no meat. I am forever scarred by the Thanksgiving where a meat stuffing made an appearance. That's all I'm going to say about that.
4. Mashed potatoes. Did you know cream cheese is the secret to truly creamy mashed potatoes? I know, The Pioneer Woman does it too, but I swear I was doing it first.
5. Gravy. Simply and pure, like all good gravy should be.
6. Cranberry sauce. There was a small misunderstanding on the cranberry sauce procurement, so the grocery stores had better be open for cranberries in our early morning run!
7. Brussels sprouts. I'm feeling a little gratin coming on for the Brussels this year. A little cream, a little cheese, and there won't be any complaining about the Brussels, I am sure.
8. Yams. These puppies will get roasted in rosemary. I know, not really the sweet style, but, again, this is how we roll around here...
9. Corn casserole. Look at all these veggies! A girlfriend made this for the dinner last week, and I loved it--I don't have the recipe posted yet, but I will. It's a variation on this one, though.
10. Pumpkin pie. Simple, basic, and essential to this day.
11. Rolls with butter. Lovely bakery in town made a contribution (well, we paid them, but...) to our dinner of beautiful rolls. I think this is the one meal of the year when I feel that bread with my meal is critical.
12. Sparkling cider. Not a drinking clan, this is our beverage of choice. We have an assortment of the sparkly stuff.
13. Leftovers. Doh. Right after The Muppet's and some early Black Friday shopping (some stores are open at 9 p.m.? That sure beats early Friday in my book.) I anticipate some fridge raiding.

I hope whatever's on your table this Thanksgiving, it's right up your alley! I am off to roast the bird!

For more Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. Yum, yum, yum!

    I can hardly wait to taste it all. The smells in this place are driving me crazy!

    It is not every day I get to eat at the table of both my daughter and my wife. This is a special day.

  2. was so good and here I sit all stuffed and happy. It was most delightful. Now for the recovery.

  3. We had our Thanksgiving last month in Canada. One of my favorite things is leftovers. I love turkey sammiches. Happy T13!

  4. We had pizza- but it was DELICIOUS (lots of olives and eggplant on it).

  5. sounds delightful we had a ton of food too
    happy belated thanksgiving and thurs 13

  6. Gosh, it all sounds so good! We ended up with no leftovers whatsoever (left everything at Dave's daughter's home), so I'm thinking we're going to recreate a yummy Thanksgiving meal real soon :-)
