
Friday, November 25, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

What a quick week! Zoom. I guess when you have a different party/celebration almost every day of the week, time is going to fly by!

This week we've been tickled to spend with family. In the guise of Thanksgiving vacation, we have also celebrated birthdays (mostly my mom (Oct. 24) and dad's (Nov. 19), and wee bit 'o late celebration for me as well), feted Kim on her recent U.S. citizenship ceremony, had a moment to mark the 6th anniversary of dear husband and I, and yes, had our Thanksgiving yesterday. And for good measure, this morning we opened up stockings and presents (CHRISTMAS! Now you know why I've been such a holiday fool this fall). Talk about a crazy amount of fun and food.

And at the end of this busy week, lots of gratefulness... probably more than can properly be listed here!

The mantle changed with the celebrations. Here's our birthday theme.

And our citizenship celebration theme.

And, of course, Christmas.

The anniversary was a little more difficult to decorate for, but Ma made sure we had flowers around!

The nieces, patiently waiting to open presents!

This week I'm grateful the power came back on (it was off for about 12 hours the day before Thanksgiving). I'm also grateful that subsequent storms weren't as severe, and that we've had peaceful walks on the beach without wind. Amazing, given how strong the winds have been at other times.

I'm grateful for family and the ability for everyone to flex and bend with the need to accommodate each other, different schedules and desires and interests.

I'm grateful for good food and lots of hands in the kitchen.

I'm grateful for leftovers. Thanksgiving food is always better the second day, and today was no exception. I'm full up on all the fixings again, and happy as a clam.

I'm grateful for sunshine. We had heaps and heaps of sunshine today. Warm and happy walks on the beach, even if a sneaker wave did catch Ma and Kim unawares... heads up next time, ladies!

How do you know you're on a Pacific Northwest beach? The pretty greenery in the sea debris.

I'm grateful for walks and talks with Seth.

I'm grateful to have wandered some great galleries and glimpsed some pretty amazing art. I didn't take pictures of the most captivating pieces--I don't think that's really an approved practice--but I was upstairs at a little gallery and saw these simple bird paintings that made me smile, and couldn't resist. They were actually affordable, as opposed to a lot of the art I saw, and totally up my color alley.

I also saw a large number of fabulous bronzes and sculptures, many in the natural themes--bears, owls, wolves, rabbits, deer--and was blown away by the artists' creativity and skill. It was very inspiring and reminded me that I need to seek out that kind of inspiration more often. Too many times I just skip looking because I don't have an immediate need, can't afford it, or think a gallery isn't going to suit my tastes. If I can keep my mind open, happy surprises can await. (Don't get me wrong, I did go through quite a few kitschy and run-of-the-mill galleries before I arrived at THE one. Good art doesn't grow on trees. But when you find it... wow.)

I'm grateful for husband, for these six years and for all we've learned and grown together. It's been wonderful and I wouldn't change a minute. He's exactly the husband God knew I needed.

In an odd way, I'm grateful to be done with the bulk of Christmas, and now can move on to December with really just a bunch of baking on my brain. I still have my two guys to take care of, but they're pretty easy... I am exited to get into the kitchen and try out a few new things for the work holiday party and a couple of cookie exchanges I am going to, as well as a little pierogi making with my Canadian girlfriends too. I know December is going to fly by, but I feel ready for it!

I hope your week has been lovely, wherever you are, whatever you've been up to. What are you grateful for this week?

And I hope your weekend brings you peace, love and sunshine.



  1. Wow- so much celebrating! Happy... everything!! Thank you for sharing it with us. It sounds like you had the *best* week!! It must feel so good to be done with a large part of the holidays but still have the holidays ahead of you, if that makes any sense!

  2. You have been so well prepared... this has been a great celebration time with fabulous food.

    Now if I could only get in on this cookie exchange I would feel like I had died and gone to heaven!
