
Monday, November 28, 2011

Common Miracles Week #29: Sunshine & quiet

“Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts. Each time we drop our complaints and allow everyday good fortune to inspire us, we enter the warrior’s world.”
– Pema Chodron

Nov. 28th? Seriously? We came home to 63-degree weather yesterday afternoon, and while it was easy to believe the tales of high winds while we were away for Thanksgiving--areas in the yard where there had been bark were completely bare--it was also uncharacteristically warm. Heavenly warm. And, of course, undoubtedly soon to change.

But while it's here, I'll take it. The sun is shining, there's a tractor mowing in our field--a crazy sign of the nearing global warming apocalypse if ever there was one--and the dogs seem happy as clams. I'm a little worried they'll lose whatever winter fur they've built up, but I think the temps are supposed to dip later this week, to something in the 40s...

Sunshine streaming through windows never fails to lift my spirits and make me believe that anything is possible. I simply love it. I know that if I were to live where the sun shines (almost) 100% of the time I would probably take it for granted and stop being *so* in love with the sun, but since I live in the Pacific Northwest, that probably won't happen any time soon. What's the old saying about "without the bitter, the sweet isn't as sweet"? 'Tis true. Without the clouds, the sunshine wouldn't seem so bright. Without the rain, there wouldn't be rainbows... I could go on.

But, for today, I will just bask in the sunshine and be thankful for it's warming effect on not just my body, but all of me.

As for the quiet, I'm basking in that too. I (must have) said something snap-ish to my men last night (which of course I can't remember!), as husband turned to Seth and said, "Mom's ready for some quiet time, Seth. She'll be glad to get you off to school and me off to work tomorrow." My eyes widened a bit and of course I protested. And I'd still protest... but... I have gotten very used to my quiet. I wasn't always that way, but over the years of being more "at home" (and maybe a bit with age, as well) I've gotten a bit protective of my quiet. After a few days of high people interaction, being home and hearing only the sound of the dogs barking occasionally (well, this morning they are pretty excited about that tractor mowing...), and whatever snippet of music I might play, and other than that... just peaceful... that, to me, is completely restorative.

I found this quote last night in a devotional:
Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths, or the turning inwards in prayer for five short minutes. -Etty Hillesum

This from a young lady writing from a Nazi concentration camp. Talk about inhabiting a warrior's world...

I hope your Monday is off to a great start, and that somewhere in your day is that rest between two deep breaths.

To learn how the Common Miracle project started, go here.


  1. I am SO with you on the quiet :-)

  2. I have to admit, after this weekend (which was lovely- probably the best Thanksgiving weekend I can remember in my lifetime), I was ready for some "down time", too. Which is ironic, since the power went off and we were gathered back together for four hours :) It was actually lovely, though. However, I am VERY excited at the prospect of spending a few hours in my studio this evening, QUIETLY working on a few different things I need to catch up on.

  3. Sweet, lovely peace and quiet. Yes, I understand that. And it was good yesterday to get back to the construction work. I worked a great part of the day up in the attic of the garage, cleaning up for the insulation boys. It was by-myself time which I like...time to make plans and lists and work things through.

    Thank you for the quote. I believe in deep breathing once in a while through the day, just to get my bearings.

    Wishing you a week full of sunshine and quiet.
