
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Springtime supper

Spring has sprung, and it is well and truly asparagus season here. I just love it. For at least two months I will be eating asparagus in every form imaginable... in pasta, as soup, tempura, just roasted, steamed, you name it. Yum.

Most nights I am lazy and do it really quick style in the microwave. I wash the asparagus, snap off the bottoms, put them in a ziploc bag and microwave at 30-second intervals. Easy peasy.

OK, so if you're not a runny, or soft, egg fan, this would not be the supper for you... But I have been getting these amazing farm-fresh eggs lately and the yolks are to die for! You can see in the picture above how orange the one yolk is--just gorgeous!
Sher's asparagus and poached egg salad
2 eggs
1 cup spinach leaves
12 spears asparagus, steamed and chopped into 1-inch bites
1/4 cup parmesan, shredded
Olive oil
Poach the eggs to your desired doneness. I use these fabulous egg poaching pods that my sister in law got me a couple of years ago--you float them in boiling water and they work just great!

Place the spinach in the bottom of a bowl, put warm steamed asparagus on top. Sprinkle with parmesan and drizzle with olive oil. Gently place poached eggs on top and have at it! Truly yummy and a great celebration of spring!

1 comment:

  1. Sher, Sher, SHER!! I have been in a non-blogging funk. Every time I see your photo on Facebook I kind of sigh and murmer to myself, "she must think I have forgotten her"...
    Well, missy, this asparagus dish looks nothing short of genius. Plus, you've reminded me that this is the time of year my MIL inundates us with asparagus from her garden. I still kick myself that I didn't plant any myself. Next garden, bigger house. I'll do it. I can't wait to try your recipe!! Mean it!
