
Friday, April 3, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

I started my list early, while stranded in the Sea-Tac airport. Don't you like that word, "stranded?" Makes it sound like I was on a desert island a la Tom Hanks. Well, not quite. I believe I fell victim to the "2 half-filled planes equals 1 full plane" syndrome that can occasionally strike a small town such as ours. So I'm here, ensconced in the Alaska Boardroom with my wireless, eating them out of all animal crackers in sight, and what better way to remind myself of all my blessings in the midst of 7 long hours, than to start on my gratitude list!?

On balance, though, this week still comes out wildly on the grateful side. Of course.

I'm grateful for:
* A friendship that began 24 years ago and still goes strong. Probably stronger through the years, somewhat because of the years, somewhat in spite of them... and then too, we're just wise women. Ha. Thank you for a lovely visit, Corinne, Brian and Adrienne.

* A wonderful husband to come home to and who gives me tech support and moral support and all other kinds of support from afar.

* For an incredibly sunny week. I have been to SLO many times in the past, and at what might be thought of as more "summery" times as well. But it's never ever been so beautiful and cloudless and sunny, ever.

* A peaceful place to chill this week. The canyon where the Smiths reside is amazingly peaceful and remote, while still being close to town (sort of). It's the kind of place that makes you happy to relax and stay put and not go anywhere, all day. Trust me, I did that, more or less, one of my days there, and it was heaven on earth.

* My Kindle. Still love it, maybe even more than before. Love being able to download samples while on the road, read newspapers and blogs and just generally keep the info flowing!

* My family, who I am very much looking forward to seeing this weekend.

* My brother, who celebrated a birthday this week, and whom I admire very much. I couldn't be more grateful in the sibling department. He's a rock star dad, husband, brother, brother-in-law, son... (no pressure, Shelb!)

* My grandma, who turns 90 on Sunday. This grateful item may look like it's down on the list, but it shines brighter than all the rest! I am so glad to still have a grandma, and glad she's in pretty good health and that most of her girls will be with her this weekend. We will all be thinking of Aunty Sheila in Roseburg and wishing she was with the rest of the sisters, but glad she's out of the hospital and hopefully staying there (home!).

* It wouldn't be a new week without a new music obsession! Corinne picked up a nu-jazz CD from her local public radio station. I latched onto the very first song on the CD and was addicted: Cellophane by Ashley Slater. It was tough to find a video to share, but I did... it's live, not the best quality, but still gives you an idea what's so addictive... to me, anyway. If you can listen and not at least want to get up and dance (sashay!), I feel sad for you...

Good weekend to all!

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