
Friday, April 10, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

Short week! Good week! Spring is here!

Here's what I'm grateful for this week:

* Seth is home from his field trip, safe and sound. There was a temporary hiccup (lost wallet, then found) but overall a very fun and educational trip. His FPS team came in 9th out of 45 teams competing in his age-range, which he was very happy about. I'm more happy about the wallet, frankly. Well, kind of. Just glad he's home.

* The weather is headed the right direction. Two weeks since the last snow fall, and I don't want to speak too soon, but maybe we're actually done with snow this year?

* With the weather, we get the blooms. Every daffodil in the yard is blooming, the primroses have recovered from the sad ice storm beating, and if Ruby doesn't eat every iris in the yard, we might have some of those this spring as well!

* Easter candy abounds. Now that Seth's home we'll at least get a little help with eating it up... Starburst jellybeans, Sweet Tart jellybeans, Easter Junior Mints, peanut butter eggs, caramel-filled eggs... you name it, we've got it. Come over and help us eat it all, really. Oh and Peeps. Can't forget the Peeps. Seth's favorite. Check out this really cool Peeps contest the Washington Post holds every year. We do so enjoy the Peeporamas!

* I'm very grateful for the weekend, for family brunches and Easter egg hunts and maybe even a little yardwork.

* I'm grateful for my coffee. This week more than ever, it got me started in the morning. This was a tough sleep week for some reason, and I am hopeful I'll get caught up over the weekend.

* I'm grateful for friends, near and far. For encouragement and chit chat, and idea sharing too. (Remember, when you're marketing to women, it's best to be optimistic! And green is the new pink... Now there's an idea I can get behind!)

* I am grateful for that phenomenon called social networking. Just when I think everyone who could possibly be found has been found, nope, here pops up another one on Facebook! Crazy fun. And I've been getting extra value from Linkedin lately, with work projects. So much easier to find people and information than ever before. And then there's Twitter... there are waves of info flowing there that are hard to keep up with! I just stick my toe in the lake every once in awhile and am amazed.

* I'm grateful that my allergies still seem to be at bay. I know the minute I write this I should expect a sneezing fit followed up with snuffles times 10. (Please, no!) It's green and blooming and all things seasonal-allergy-inducing, but I'm OK. Wow. (Neti pot and Claritin are at the ready, just in case things change...).

* Backing up to last weekend, I am so grateful for family and lots of good time together, visiting, eating and playing games (that was quite the round of Password, ladies! We all had our quick wits firing at about 80%!). For fun mall wandering with Mom and the Aunties (I'm still thinking about that brown leather jacket!), and a great Indian dinner to end the weekend. And, of course, for Grandma, who gave us an excuse to celebrate.

* Grateful for this life (abundant), this setting (peaceful), these guys (thoughtful, loving). Going to go make haystacks for the men, hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I love the daffodils at the top! Beautiful!

  2. i can feel the warmth of the sun from the daffodil pic!

    and those peeps!!! sher...where do you find these things? can't figure out which one is my fave. they are all so good.

    hugs to you and the men on this very happy weekend.

  3. loved the peeporama's - I think my favourite was the plummer - LOL!
