
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
I is for Inspiration, Initiative, Integrity

Or, as an old Italian lady would say, "Ay, ay, ay!" (I know, I'm not a humor writer... I won't give up my day job.)

Some days, I can't keep my words to ONE, here on this blogging challenge. And today is one of those days. I see inspiration, initiative and integrity as working very closely together in my life. Let me tell you how...

Inspiration is the spark that grabs me, on a gut level, and awakens my senses. It's many of the things I share on this blog: my love for my dear family and friends; creating and enjoying flavorful and sometimes even healthful food; daily renewal of grace and mercy through connection with my Creator; my attraction to things of color, to nature and our garden; my love for the handmade and crafty; and deep appreciation for words that stir my heart.

Initiative is when I gather up the inspiration, make a plan and move forward. If I don't discipline myself to take action, inspiration might rain down on me, flood me, and it's quite possible that nothing will ever come of it. At that point, it's all pretty pictures on Pinterest, right? I have to make plans, make lists, prioritize and reprioritize and then... step out! It's all nothing without that first step.

Integrity is doing the right thing with my initiative. Action without the compass of my values is just movement. Action with integrity? That's the ticket; and... that's also where I can get hung up on small, petty, silly motives, motives that have more to do with me than the best outcome, motives that speak to ego and self. Setting self aside, and reminding and aligning with my core values is the only way to get past the nonsense and to the heart of what matters: What do I choose to act on, and how does it reinforce what inspires me?

What inspires you? What gets you up and going? What guides the decisions about your actions?

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. "Initiative is when I gather up the inspiration, make a plan and move forward. If I don't discipline myself to take action, inspiration might rain down on me, flood me, and it's quite possible that nothing will ever come of it."

    I love that!!

    Blogging from A to Z April Challenge

    1. Thanks, Shelly. I have to remind myself of that from time to time!

  2. Dear ones inspire me. My dreams kicks me out of bed and my thoughts guide me.

    Loved this one. :)

    -Fellow blogger from A to Z!

    1. I like that dreams kick you out of bed! That's a great image.

      Thanks for visiting!

  3. hahaha I just read the first line, and I think you are a humour writer... Now I've read the rest and the only difference in our methods is that I use the word intention - instead of initiative. I think I like initiative better, it just sounds more active rather than just the planning phase. Thanks

    1. Intention is good though, too. But without action, even the best intentions are dust.

  4. Inspiration, Initiative, Integrity. I see why you had trouble sticking to one word. Those are all awesome words, and they work together really well. Something I find very inspiring is MUSIC! It inspires me to create, to move, to dance, to sing, to feel, to write.

    I value integrity very highly. I definitely desire to live a life of integrity.

    Initiative! Sometimes the thing that gets me going is to set my time for 15 minutes and just get started. Other times I find it easier to take the initiative, often when I have figured out the result that I want.



    1. I think your idea of just setting the time to 15 minutes and getting started is a great one. I try to do that with things like exercise or a task I'm not wild about--just start, give it a period of time and see how it goes. Then getting back to it is easier the next time.

      Thanks for popping by!

    2. You're welcome! And in response to your comment on my "intuition" post, I would say P for Pause! That is a very resonant word for me!

  5. As you might have guessed, running inspires me. There's something about pounding the pavement that motivates me in different areas of my life.

    Setting self aside, and reminding and aligning with my core values is the only way to get past the nonsense and to the heart of what matters
    So true and well said!

    1. Thanks. Now I need to remember that more often--like, every day!

  6. Inspiration, initiative, and integrity all work really well together. Although, I think integrity has to come first, because it is the foundation that initiative, and inspiration are built on.


  7. My inspiration comes from God's Word and how it fits into my life. I write everyday about how God shows up in my life and there is always Scripture to point others to Him. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV) sums it up pretty well. "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man (or woman) of God may be complete, equipped for every good work." Have a wonderful day!


    1. That's a lovely text, Donna. I like the notion of being "equipped for every good work." Thanks for the reminder.

  8. Very good writing! I loved the way you broke it down to show how each works in your life. Your post is very inspiring for me. :)
    Integrity I have. Initiative: Sometimes I have to push that one a little bit. I find inspiration in reading others posts and books. Sometimes, I find inspiration in my own work, especially when I start a piece and get so involved in it that I lose track of time and the count of words.
    A to Z April Blogging Challenge

  9. I love the inspireapron! Good post. I find inspiration in all aspects of my daily life and constantly remind myself and the older children to always do the right thing (live a life of integrity) and I pray I have modeled that for them.

    Shirletta @ Shirleyisnotmyname

    1. Sometimes that's all you can do, Shirletta--pray and model!

  10. I: OMG, how beautiful is that apron? I'm inspired to make it. I won't, but I'm still inspired... ;)

    1. It is pretty pretty, isn't it? You know you could just whip it up over the weekend... boom. Because you're inspired!
