
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
H is for Humanity

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” -Mother Teresa

Every day, humans slay me. In both the positive and the negative ways slay conveys.

I think about all the pain that is inflicted--human to human--to the small, the old, the weak, the innocent. How much pain we bring into our own lives by being petty and small, callous and stupid. I think about how our Creator must sigh big, big sighs (at the very least) when he looks down on us being all of the above. And it breaks my heart.

(I heard a statistic today about child abuse in the United States, that more children have been killed in the past decade--in their own homes, by a family member--than U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq or Afghanistan. How is that possible? It is so hard to think about, that approximately seven children die every day as a result of child abuse and neglect, that I think we so often just don't think about it. Turn some other noise on, just drown out THAT fact.)

“I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.” -Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

And then, there's the flip side. There is love. So much love. Compassion and selflessness shown to others, sometimes to a stranger--unconditional, deep, with no thought of reward or return. In times of hardship, but also in very, very ordinary times as well. How often is compassion like that seen in the face of humans? Every day. And it fills my heart.

Broken but filled.

Filled but broken.

It's what makes us humans, together.

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.” -Mahatma Gandhi

What's this A-Z business about? Check out my kick-off post. And stay tuned for the random joy and nonsense I concoct during the month of April!


  1. Definitely makes me think - thank for this!

    1. Thanks, Suzanne. Some bitter stuff is rougher to contemplate, but it sure makes other things more sweet.

  2. I'm a humanitarian of sorts so I always think about these things. I observe people and how they treat other people, and like you said, "It slays me" I guess it's the Yin and Yang. Where there is good there is bad. I guess for every bad seed, there are people out there who will pick up the pieces and restore hope :) I love the quotes! Great post!

    Steph xx

    1. Thanks for coming by, Stephanie. I agree, the yin and yang is everywhere; it's finding the balance that feels harder some days than others.

  3. We live in such a 'bully' society, it does become hard to see the humanity in others. I love the quotes you posted.

    Blogging A to Z Challenge

  4. That is truly a horrible statistic. And unbelievable. I do hope you're doing J for Joy, because that's what we need. Oh, and k for Kindness too :)

    1. Don't be too horrified, Udita, but I don't think I've actually come up with a J yet! It could easily be Joy, for sure, but I have a friend doing the whole challenge with Joy--you should check her out, she's fabulous:

      I agree that joy and kindness are things we all need more of!

    2. Udita, how can I find your blog?

  5. Oh, you are going to love that Tim Keller book...

    You are making an alphabet to are giving good meaning to the English alphabet.

    Thank you for a bright spot to my day!

    1. Oh sweet tea and sunshine you speak sad truths and sparkling triumphs, a reflection of each one of us as individuals... Ghandi's quote is so comforting. Happy A-Zing, I am learning a so much, I like how you link your kick off post. A pleasure to meet you.

    2. Must get crackin' on the Keller! Love that man. Thanks for your words of encouragement, Ma. xo

    3. Thanks, Ida--I got replies all messed up here, somehow. I think it goes with the moderating comments, alas. Thanks for coming by, nice to meet you too!

    4. looks it was my fault for commenting under a reply instead of a new comment box.... *still learning* thanks for visiting me I'm thrilled you liked it

  6. Very important reminder ... and an excellent choice for "H" Day.

    Stopping by from the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge FB page.

    1. Thanks, Linda. I appreciate your comment, and coming by! I love the FB page, btw.

  7. Where would we be without humanity.

  8. Wow that is a horrible and scary statistic.Lovely quotes thought in this post!
    Thanks for sharing!

    Blogging A to Z Challenge

    1. Thanks, Audrey. I really hate stats like that, but they do wake one up...

  9. I love love LOVE this post my dear! Simply beautiful. I'm going to quote you now. :)xo!

  10. Mankind can be awful, and wonderful. That's the down, and upside of free will. I've been following the Kermit Gosnell horrific. Then I see the helpers at the Boston bombing, and am so warmed by how strangers will help each other. The human heart has such potential for good, but the default mode is self-serving. I believe that's why we need a savior. :-) I'm popping in from the have a nicely laid out blog. Some are dark, with small writing, hard to be drawn in. I'm a new follower. :-)
    from The Dugout

    1. Thanks for coming by, Mare. I'm popping over to your blog now!

      I agree, seeing how people help each other in times of crisis and tragedy is really one of the more affirming parts of being human.

  11. H: The Gandhi quote is lovely. I need to put it where I can see it often, because I really, REALLY need to be reminded of the goodness sometimes.

    1. I have had Ghandi quotes on my bathroom mirror at times... he's THAT kind of inspiration, isn't he?!
