
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thursday 13: Easter is coming!

Easter is such a joyful holiday, for what it symbolizes for Christians, and also for what it symbolizes in the natural world with birth, renewal, fertility! I've posted a few times around this holiday before, with a Thursday 13 in 2010, as well as some recipes (eggs!) (apple cake & rhubarb cake!) that are favorites with family and friends. (Also, for even more Easter ideas, check out my blogroll for a couple of posts on Easter treats and a more natural approach to Easter. Ideas abound!)

This year there are many pretty and yummy-sounding recipes calling to me (I am hungry as I write this, which always sends me to the recipes!). Here are 13 recipes that sing "Spring celebration!" and "Easter brunch!" quite nicely:

I am in the mood to make ALL of them. I know, a little indulgent--but for sure #s 1, 3, 4, 8, 11 and 13.

And the bonus thing is, we're celebrating Easter again when my whole family gets together later in April. So we'll do something small-ish this weekend, and I'll pull out all the Easter stops when the nieces arrive, later!

Which ones appeal to you? Do you have any Easter food traditions to share? Would love to hear about them!

For more Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. That bunny bread is *so* sweet. I think we'll head to the Botanical Gardens on Easter. We don't have many traditions, unfortunately- at least not yet. Growing up as sorta-Catholic, I remember the emphasis being on the days around Easter, maybe? I'm *so* out of touch with that and the way everything falls.

    I'm still working on figuring out how to discuss the day with Gracie and express the meaning to her. And then there's the Easter Bunny, which my parents have been talking about for months and months, so Gracie's pretty much convinced he's Santa, part two.

  2. And can I just say I love how your passion for creating meals and food and treats sort of flows in with your daily life? Like, you are able to celebrate this important holiday even more by engaging in something you love and sharing it with those who are dear to you. I want to do that, too.

    1. Thanks, Chel. It comes pretty naturally as I was raised in a family where food and celebrations go hand-in-hand. Being able to cook for my family is one of my very favorite things to do. I hope you have a lovely Easter with Gracie and Tom.

  3. Love all the bunny items!

    Have a great Thursday!

    1. I am a bunny fanatic, can you tell?

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Strawberry shortcake. Yum. Now I need food!

  5. woah, cupcake eggs. pretty cool. never conceived of that before.

  6. These are some of the most beautiful food pictures I've ever seen. Wow!
