
Friday, April 6, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

For my grateful list this week, I went mostly photographic...

That panorama app I bought last week? Well, it turned out to be a bit of fun.

I think the thing I am most grateful for this week is stillness.

A walk on the beach, look out at the ocean, just be. Odd to say stillness when there's a prancing dog at the end of the leash, but it does seem stillness can be achieved with prancing, darting... frolicking, even.

There is something about staring out over water--whether it's reflecting so much light you have to squint at the brilliance, or dark and churning with rain and wind--that is such a cure-all. Many people have contributed their thoughts and words on the healing powers of the ocean, being at water's edge... seems a universal reconnection place.

It was a lovely time, to be away with family, to see and catch up with friends, to enjoy laughter and talking, and quiet time by the fire, too.

The many moods of Haystack Rock, eh? Different days, times, weather patterns, tides. Always beautiful to behold!

Also, very happy to be home! How has your week been? I hope your grateful list is long and filled with things close to your heart.


  1. Great new app! Photos do tell a great story. And stillness is a good thing. We love it too. Today when I was out weeding in my garden boxes I looked out at the ocean and other islands and it was spectacular...breath-taking, in fact. So still...

  2. I love your panorama photos... great app.
    Got to get that one too.

    Love the series on Haystack Rock... fav is with blue sky.

    We are getting back into some more construction...

    did cedar T & G V-groove ceiling over the stairs to the studio.

    and cut the grass today in the meadowland below the cabin.

  3. Nice shots. I love panoramic and square formats. You have them both in this post. Good job!

    Stillness is nice. There's something about the ocean that is calming, regardless of the weather. Sort of like a milky way view with a dark sky.
