
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday 13: Thirteen Etsy shops to share

It's been quite a long time since I have shared current Etsy shop loves (2010, actually). And while I am quite sure there are more than 13 in my favorites folder that deserve a viewing, I will be good and dole out only 13 (and then maybe come back sooner than a year from now to share again). How's that?

Pinterest has a way of bringing new shops to one's attention, and then my dear mother tipped me off to a few other ways to have your time completely sucked away by Etsy: daily emails that highlight shops along a particular theme or holiday or color or whatever strikes a fancy that day. So the behemoth that is Etsy becomes much more manageable (or so the theory goes), with these handy little tools in your arsenal. Add to that the various blogs and such that point to this shop and that shop, and it just might be more information than you need. But want? Want is a whole other matter.

OK, on to the shops!

1. Cat nap cottage. Vintage! This shop reminds me of hanging out at my grandmothers' houses as a child. Lots of textures and colors and styles that really harken back to that era for me.

2. Garnet girl designs. Upscale jewelry, very classic and classy.

3. The loft full of goodies. A beautiful marriage of felt and embroidery.

4. Old Barn Rescue Company. Lovely quotes in text treatments for you to put on your walls.

5. Sparrow's Nest Script. I adore this calligraphy shop!

6. Love and Knit. Some Etsy shops are real idea places for me, and even though I crochet and this is all knit, there are some great ideas here. Love the style.

7. Little Bit Funky. What color! What fun!

8. Lonkoosh. Billed as bridal jewelry, I think beautiful little pieces could be worn any time!

9. Brookish. A Jane Austen-inspired shop. How brilliant, eh?!

10. Pool Pony. Such great colors in fabulous mid-century styles. I have one girlfriend in particular who I could buy every piece in this shop for!

11. A place to flourish. I love being inspired by beautiful lettering!

 12. Super Sock Monkeys. Who's having a baby? I am all about these cute, colorful little animals.

13. Helen Rawlinson. These gorgeous screenprinted linens would cheer up any kitchen. Love them!

It's probably no accident that on this snowy/icy/messy Thursday, I have splashed a swath of color across my world. I hope you enjoy looking at these images as much as I enjoyed finding them to share!

Do you have a favorite Etsy shop? I'd love to hear about it!

Happy Thursday, wherever you are!

For more Thursday 13 participants, go here.


  1. I love the Mr. Darcy t-shirt. I want one! Thanks for sharing.

  2. You can add me to the list. I just did Etsy for the first time.

    1. How fabulous to have started your own shop, Alice Audrey! I hope it is a fun and successful venture for you!

  3. those are great! I also love Simple!

  4. Ohh- I love these. So much color! My favorite shops are the one I buy washi tape from :) there's washimatta and prettytape and a few other smaller ones that I check from time to time. Etsy is SO dangerous for me- somehow because I know someone made it, any concern about cost just goes away because I figure "hey, this person CLEARLY deserves as much payment as possible for these wonderful things!"

    1. Thanks for sharing the washi ideas. I get stuck in ruts of calligraphy, jewelry and crochet, and need to bust out of that a bit... I will definitely check those shops out.
