
Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

Inspired by Jen's resolution to always be honest on her blog in 2011 (I swear she said it, but I couldn't find the specific post to link to...), I have to say right at the outset that this week I struggled to come up with the grateful list. Not due to any particular change to circumstances this week as opposed to any other week, in fact, there is reason to be optimistic on a number of fronts--for crying out loud, spring IS coming, right? But the current freezing temperatures, the daily grind of certain realities and a couple of really crappy nights in the sleep department and here I am at Friday with a grudgingly grateful heart.

In fact, at first I was only going to post this:

But then I realized that the week wasn't THAT bad, and Buddha's little saying is a bit dramatic for my current mindset. No, my mindset is more:

But even that art piece (source) is more prescriptive than reflective.

I really should be feeling more:

 So I'll work on that... And I AM grateful.

For a clean house. Feels glorious. Normal. Ahhh.

For love and support around every curve of the road.

For a communicative and loving husband.

For cheese.
(What list is complete without cheese?)

For the promise of a new week.

For the peace among the dogs.

For my health and energy.

For amazing local food...
had a lovely apricot-almond pastry this week and a fabulous salad (or two).

For a mostly organized office, finally.

For faith. And hope.
(I already mentioned love, but I could mention it again, I suppose... it's that lovely, love.)

For Top Chef All Stars.
What can I say, the Isaac Mizrahi quickfire was hilarious (No tasting? Bizarre). And Anthony Bourdain is proving himself a rockstar judge. (Not that I'm surprised, just glad to see they're keeping him around and using him more and more.)

For sleep.
(I'm putting out all kinds of vibes to the universe for some major sleeping in this weekend.)

For words.
I have been grumpy with words recently, having my own words turned back on me and twisted nastily. Made me feel "ugh" about words for a moment. But the truth is the truth, and it will prevail. (Eventually.) And between now and then, I won't give up on seeing words as powerful tools to convey thought, meaning, emotion...

Here are some that especially inspired me this week (besides Wednesday's post):
The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow brave by reflection. ‘Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death. -Thomas Paine

That passage reminded me of two men I "encountered" this week, both from the same era: King George VI (I saw The King's Speech this week and loved it!) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, whose birthday it is today. The Writer's Almanac had a little bio on Dietrich today, and when I was reminded that he was killed so close to the surrender of Germany... sadness.

For my son, and his endearing ways.

For friends and laughter.

For peaceful and quiet Friday nights.

May your weekend bring you all the joy you can handle.


  1. Lovely post. It's always good to be reminded that we all have so much to be thankful for.

  2. Love your grateful quote--it is one of my favorites--and when I read your Friday nite gratefuls it reminds me to list my gratefuls and some times it is hard when the arthritis pain keeps showing up--so thank you for your quotes and words--truly an inspiration to me!!

  3. As I've said a hundred times before, I always love your "grateful" posts, but this one seems especially heartfelt. There are times when finding gratitude is a bit more of a challenge, but even a little bit starts a whole lot more tumbling out. Nice job, friend. xoxo
