
Monday, February 7, 2011

Daybook musings on a Monday

For today:

Outside my window... there is a bit of blue sky one way, and clouds towards the mountains. Lots of wind rode on through in the night, but not too noisy as to wake me, thankfully.

I am thinking... too much, lately. Well, not too much; maybe focused in the wrong direction? I need to DO more, contemplate my navel less.

I am thankful for... so many things, but right this very moment I am thankful for the mug of hot coffee sitting on my desk next to my laptop. (Sip.)

From the kitchen... well, yesterday was the Super Bowl, right? So that means certain indulgences... we went and watched the game with some neighbor friends and had a lovely time. I made stuffed jalapeno "poppers" and seven (or was it eight?) layer dip with chips, and they made yummy vegetarian chili and homemade bread. See, I told you it was indulgent. But wait, then I also made Nutella stuffed wontons and we had some banana cream pie that our neighbors won at a church auction--how cool is that? OK, so THAT was indulgent. I have no idea why I woke up hungry this morning!

I am wearing... the morning usual (fuzzy robe and slippers).

I am creating... dug out the crochet hooks and yarn yesterday afternoon during the football game and reminded myself how bad I am at reading and following crochet directions... also have my drawing table cleaned off and ready to return to the calligraphy practice, the pastel doodlings, etc. That feels really good, to have some space back for creativity.

I am going... to get my butt moving as soon as I'm done here... the to-do list is ready to roll for the week!

I am reading... still, Faith and Will. Apparently I need to find some will to finish it!

I am hoping... to be able to find the right words for a conversation or two I need to have this week. Hope hope hope.

I am hearing... husband getting ready for work.

Around the house... it may be cleaner than it's ever been, ever... for the next five minutes. If you want to witness this little feat of cleanliness, you better get over here, quickly.

One of my favorite things... is color. I know I say it time and again, but it's true. Color and music, my two big mood-lifters. Oh, and speaking of music, I have a handful of new tunes from my music gals to listen to this week as well. Nice!

A few plans for the rest of the week... Seth's home today after school (yipee!), there is a lot of stuff to do relative to the fundraiser next week, and maybe, just maybe, I'll actually venture out into the yard for some late-winter clean up... but only if this "warming trend" continues. If it cools down again, all bets are off. And, I am going to get going on some crafty projects, oh yeah!

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... (I am going to go check out this tutorial asap!)


What do you have on tap for the week? Whatever it is, hope you have a great one!


  1. this week the big deals are: Dave's band is playing out on the 12th...which is also the 1 year anniversary of our first date. Sunday, I get to see my cousin and exchange Christmas presents :-) weather permitting!

  2. I have a love love hate hate relationship with granny squares. I try them every few years and then get very frustrated

  3. Janet: whoo-hoo for anniversaries! Hope you celebrate big. And a late Christmas, how fun!

    Slow Panic: try a YouTube tutorial. Made all the difference. I hate reading directions, love following along visually!
