
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thursday 13: Daybook musings...

1. I am thinking… that this vacation has been exactly the right length. I'm ready to be home now, and yet it still feels like husband and I had enough relaxing time together. We drove to the end of every major road on the island and stopped at beaches along the way, saw the "Fantasy Island" falls, snorkeled, ate local fare and gelato too, walked, napped, watched movies and generally enjoyed each other's company. A pretty great five-year honey-versary, if I do say so!

2. I am thankful for… the opportunity to take this break from reality. It's not lost on me that our time away has been an incredibly special gift.

3. From the kitchen… I have cooked (assembled, more like) a few meals here in the condo, and just this morning we had steak and eggs (how rare, how decadent! We were actually cleaning up leftovers...). I have been going over my holiday recipes while on vacation too, and am revved up to get home and hop to some baking! Cookie parties, here I come!

4. I am wearing… a summer nightie that will go right back on the summer shelf when we get home, and out will come the fuzzy robe and slippers.

5. I am creating… all kinds of holiday menus in my head. Not doing Thanksgiving "traditionally," I have lots of space in my brain (and tummy) for oodles of sweet and savory holiday yummies. Yes, oodles. That's a word. Look it up.

6. I am going… to say a prayer tonight for so many people who are going through rough times right now. For loss, for sickness, for sadness and loneliness; for all the many human afflictions for which there is no human cure, I will pray for peace and comfort and strength, for us all.

7. I am reading… a million different sample downloads with my Kindle app. Love that app.

8. I am hoping… for smooth sailing all the way home, no plane delays and clear roads too. Winter travel is not without its challenges.

9. I am hearing… Top Chef All Stars on the TV. I have had a big fat grin on my face the whole hour, seeing some of my very faves (and even some of my less-favorite cheftestants) back and cooking. The show pulled out a great first challenge and I have *so* enjoyed seeing these rock stars work their butts off again.

10. Around the house… I can hear waves outside, and already miss them...

11. One of my favorite things… is plumeria. I was reminded how much I love that flower again this week. Beautiful and so fragrant...

12. A few plans for the rest of the week… get home, get some groceries, check out the progress on the "house stuff," make sure the dogs are all OK, get my boy from school Friday (asap!) and spend time together over the weekend. Lots of hugs. Major hugs.

13. A picture to share… and this will come as no surprise:

To play along with Thursday 13, go here.

To play along with the daybook folks, go here.


  1. Happy TT! Sounds like y'all have had a wonderful time. Safe travels going home :-)

  2. I know how it feels to be ready to be back home and not think you have had enough time. I hope you enjoyed your holiday.

    Best Wishes
    Virginia Cavanaugh

  3. Safe travels going home. It sounds like you had a wonderful time and created some long-lasting memories. Good for you. :)

    Happy TT

  4. I really liked those prompts. Nice job.

    Have a great Thursday!

  5. I'm in my winter wardrobe already.

    Your vacation sounds just right.

    My list is here.

  6. I love reading those samples, too! Where did you go on vacation?

  7. I do understand the split in your heart where one side says home and the other side says stay!!!

    Happy trails!

  8. I luv this escape from reality, too.

