
Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday night grateful moment: A family effort

Picture this: three tired humans "picnicking" with haystacks in the master bedroom, ready for the weekend. (I know, I know; two of these humans have been vacationing and really have no excuse--other than a long travel day yesterday--to be tired. Amazing how travel wipes the rested right out of you...)

But, in the spirit of being back together, we reflected on our gratitude... together:

From Seth: 
*Color. (Is this my kid or what?)
*Words. "The sounds of our life." -Seth
*Snowflakes. (And then he started singing "My Favorite Things," thinking I would write all of them down as original to him... nice try.)
*Our house... very grateful for a roof over our heads.
*Random funny moments that happen in the classroom. (Seth and a friend... in class, where the origins of Thanksgiving are being taught... he teacher asks "So, what do you know about the first Thanksgiving?" and the friend shouts, "SQUANTO!!" at the top of his lungs. The whole classroom sat in stunned silence for a moment before bursting into laughter.)
*Really good friends who will always be there for you.
*Glass and mercury.

From husband:
*Vacation... a change of pace.
*For something meaningful to come back to... a life with variety.
*Family, near and far.
*The holidays.
*Our pets.
*Sunday football games.
*Great inlaws. (Elders AND youngers.)
*Wondeful wife and son.

From me:
*Holiday marshmallows.
*The plumeria lei I brought back from Hawaii; it smells SO amazing.
*A warm house.
*Texting with friends. (Who knew I'd get into that? Not me, that's for sure.)
*My guys, who are such good sports with me. (They're my "grateful hostages" can read that a couple of ways, I'll give you that.)
*Snow. (More, please.)
*Memories of sunshine, even as we're surrounded by gray...
*Macadamia Hershey kisses. (Fabulous new find! The little strip that comes out the top? It says "Aloha" over and over again. So cute.)
*Good test results on recent blood work. Other than the need for a little more Vitamin D, all's well.
*Progress. I do love me some forward movement. I've even been accused of appreciating ANY movement, but I would offer that forward is my favorite.

And because this is a family effort, the video this week should reflect that too, right? Here's a little something that Seth showed me this afternoon that made me laugh:

Hope your weekend is as restful as I'm hoping mine is!

1 comment:

  1. Best words ever: "a life with variety." SO very true! "variety" has been medical stuff lately, but it'll go away, knock on wood. Loved this post, as always :-)
