
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 17

I'm starting this post with Friday, since it was somewhat more eventful than my average weekend lead-in. I spent the day (flew over and back, thankfully) in Seattle at Children's Home Society of Washington, at their quarterly trustee meetings, and we finished up around 3 p.m. Another Walla Walla trustee and I got a ride downtown to frolic in the sunshine (I couldn't believe our good luck with the sun) and just play.

I saw a bubble tea place in Westlake Village and had to check it out. I haven't partaken of this phenomenon before, and I enjoyed the tea part quite a bit (mango). The bubble part I got a bit tired of... I was told if I am a tapioca fan I'd be a bubble fan but I don't think it's quite the same. Kind of like gummy bears swooping up your straw and into your mouth. Yeah. No. I will keep my gummies and my tea separate in the future. I know, party pooper.

Also in Westlake Village I found a Japanese shop where everything is $1.50 unless posted otherwise. Kind of crazy, a little kitschy, a LOT of cheap stuff, but still, entirely explorable. Check out these two-pronged wooden forks. Great for noodles, I'm guessing?

These ties were actually $2. I know, why the bump up from $1.50? I had to laugh when later I wandered through the Nordstrom men's half-yearly sale a few blocks away and ties were 20 times that... ha. I should have shouted: "You can really get some bargains down the street." But I didn't.

I bet you could outfit your kitchen for $50.

Also checked out some girly shops with pretty, shiny things...

And then the mother ship called me home.

Is it wrong to say that the sound of the piano is very soothing and comforting to me? I  have so many fond Nordstrom memories from over the years... silly girl.

Then it was a fun adventure taking the newest public transport option, the Link Light Rail, down to the airport. Quite enjoyable and a very efficient way to get there!

Saturday was mellow. Major sleeping-in action. Major napping. I was a little startled to realize I was THAT behind on my sleep, but I kind of knew it... I'd stayed up way too late a couple of nights earlier in the week and just never got back up to par. Anyway, late afternoon we decided to go for a drive, just to get out of the house.

Saw a strange monument in the middle of nowhere and I investigated. Turns out the Hudson Bay Company owned a major piece of land around here, way back when. How wild is that?

And of course, it had to rain on us. Quite a bit of lightning too, a bit of thunder. So we went home and had our picnic in the dining room, and did a little early Father's Day celebrating, since...

Early-ish Sunday morning we got the young lad up and out the door for a three-week trip with his dad to the Grand Canyon. I will try and keep the whining and "I miss him!" to a minimum over the next three weeks. I swear. I'll try. And I'll definitely swear. :(

Made a lovely dinner for just the two of us, and we finished it off with a bit of strawberry shortcake. Yep, pulled out my very favorite shortcake recipe. Getting ready to make a boatload of it for a company event on Tuesday, so needed to make sure the recipe still works. Sure enough, it does! 

For more Bits of My Weekend, go here


  1. I remember the piano in Nordstroms as a kid too. I think the one in the SF Union Sq one had one.

  2. That was fun to read and explore! Thanks for sharing :)

  3. Japanese shops are so much fun. There is one near me that has the cutest dishes.

  4. Oh, if only we had a Nordstrom, or at least The Rack. I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for checking out mine.
