
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lime mousse for a friend

I pulled out an old favorite today: Lime mousse. This is a standby from the old catering days--a bucket of this stuff in little tart shells went a long way on a dessert buffet. And it was quite popular too... especially with my co-tenent in the building where my catering kitchen was housed.

So, today, thinking of Susan and her recent birthday and various work-related challenges, I busted out the white chocolate and limes and looked up the recipe on epicurious: Strawberry-Topped Lime Mousse Tart. 'Cept I skipped the strawberries and the tart... Susan likes the fluffy lime part best! This way it's just her and her spoon!

Lime mousse
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/2 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
3/4 cup chilled whipping cream
5 ounces good-quality white chocolate (such as Lindt or Baker's), chopped
1 teaspoon grated lime peel
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons sour cream

Place lime juice in small bowl; sprinkle gelatin over. Let stand 10 minutes to soften. Bring 1/4 cup cream to simmer in medium saucepan. Reduce heat to low. Add white chocolate; stir until melted and smooth. Add gelatin mixture; stir to dissolve. Mix in peel. Chill until cold and beginning to thicken but not set, stirring often, about 45 minutes. Beat sugar, sour cream and remaining 1/2 cup cream to medium-stiff peaks in medium bowl. Fold whipped cream mixture into white chocolate mixture. Spoon into whatever bowls you'd like to serve in (this would make about 4-6 decent sized servings)--or tart shells! Chill until mousse sets, about 4 hours. (Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Gelatin, gellin'

I spread the mixture out in a shallow bowl to chill faster!

Lime mousse, ready for transport to its proper home. I very much enjoyed licking the bowl... I may have to bust that recipe out again soon. I am not much of a white chocolate fan most days, but it is disguised enough in this recipe that the lime can shine through.


  1. What a sweet treat...and gesture.

  2. Ok, I could totally settle in with a spoon and that bowl and just have a grand ol' time. Thanks for sharing!
