
Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday night grateful moment

Ah the sweet, dark bliss of Friday night. Ready for a bit of relaxing, yessiree.

This week was one of the good ones, in the Seth sense especially. Lots going on in his world, but I'm grateful for his fairly persistent cheer through good times and challenges. He got more than his fair share of "lectures" (what he calls them, I call them "Mom's wisdom, which she is happy to share") this week, on everything from friendship to good sportsmanship to finishing homework before hopping on the computer. I think it's time to start writing these down so I have a good workable script for the next few years... will save me time and energy in the long run, don't you think? But I'm grateful too that he (so far) takes these things to heart and works to do better next time. Knock. On. Wood. Pray. Daily.

Breakfast for the work gang went well Thursday morning. I am grateful for the ability to catch a few zzzzs when I was done--woke up at an ungodly hour (not when I needed to, but EARLIER!) and will probably play catch up all weekend. And, I'm grateful for the opportunity to still get to cook for a large crowd on occasion. It's fun to do. Sometimes, when you're running really close to the wire (not yesterday, but I do have memories...) it can really get the adrenaline going.

Spent the afternoon with fellow volunteers and staff members for a state-wide board I'm on, and came away grateful for the opportunity to be involved with those who choose such an overt service for others as their life's work. I know we can all help people wherever we are, whatever we're doing, and I'm all for that. But there's something significant about making the choice to do the daily, hard work of attempting to break the cycle of poverty, child abuse and neglect that really inspires me.

I'm grateful for a quiet (sort of) weekend ahead, and a great guy to spend it with.

I'm grateful that the hot tub is calling my name. It's the perfect crisp night to enjoy it.

I'm grateful for pears and brie. Together.

I'm grateful that for THE VERY FIRST TIME EVER, I said, "I'm so sorry, officer," and I didn't get a ticket. That has never happened before, and sadly, there have been many colorful lights flashing in my rearview mirror over the years.

I'm grateful that I had a chance to reconnect with a childhood friend who is headed in to some tricky neurosurgery on Monday morning. It was good to hear her voice and just briefly catch each other up on our lives and the blessings that we both have, in spite of her current health challenges. She'll be in my prayers Monday morning.

I'm grateful for sweet little toddlers that I get to spend time with and then go home and away from! I volunteered with a bunch of cherubs this past week and was struck by the variety of personalities and dispositions. I can't help but look at them and wonder what they'll be like in a decade, and will Little Miss X ever learn to use her inside voice? I hope so.

I'm grateful for laughter.

I'm grateful for sleep. Did I mention that one already? Well, it deserves a second go-around. I'm doubly grateful!!

I discovered a fun new calligrapher this week: Lisa Ridgely. That's her work at the top of this post, as well as below. I just couldn't save the October one for NEXT fall, I had to share it now! I'm grateful for people like her, who post their work to inspire the rest of us!

And here's a fun new musical gal I discovered this week. I had this song going round and round my brain quite a bit, quite happily.

Good weekend, all! May the peace and rest renew you and carry you on to another week!

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