
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday 13: Thirteen favorite summer desserts

Can't help myself. Fruit is already everywhere, and more is on the way! So what makes me happy in the sweet sweet summertime? These 13 desserts:

1. Peaches on pound cake. This is husband's birthday cake every August. It's heaven. Peaches are fresh and ripe and glorious. With vanilla bean ice cream, of course.

2. Strawberry trifle. This reminds me of my mom. And childhood. With slivered almonds on top. Custard and cream and cake... oh yes and strawberries too!

3. Rhubarb custard pie. This reminds me of my mom, too. She makes the best rhubarb custard pie!

4. Cobbler. You can vary the fruit--whatever you have on hand is great. And here's THE best cobbler topping recipe I've ever found. It will change your life. I'm not kidding. Revo-wait for it-lutionary. Again, with ice cream!

5. Cherry pie. This one reminds me of my sister-in-law. She has made many a pie looking for the best recipe, right combo... which one have you settled on, my dear? Let me know and I'll post it! (And this one has to be a la mode!) I have been standing under the cherry tree(s) this week and just eating them right off the tree. Pretty wonderful. The pie cherry tree is just about ripe, so I'll be needing that recipe soon, Kim!

6. Strawberry shortcake. See Sunday.

7. Blueberry buckle. Blueberries I can eat by the handful and just be happy. But if you HAVE to cook them, in a gooey cake works just fine for me. A la mode, if you pleaase.

8. Claufouti with raspberries. You must check out that link... it's to Eric Ripert's recipe, and, well, that's like The Almighty himself posting a recipe. A joy to watch.

9. Apricot frangipane tart. Anything frangipane works for me... with fresh apricots it's really good!

10. Tres leche cake with a mixture of fresh fruit--especially fresh figs!

11. Kuchen with peaches or plums or apricots. This was a specialty of my Grandma's back when she was in her baking prime. I have many a fond memory of eating slice after slice of kuchen. Always had a hard time picking my favorite flavor... I can't put my hands on her recipe right at the moment, and posting any other would just be heresy. So for now you'll just have to drool in anticipation--I will find the recipe and I will make!

12. Huckleberry crisp. Huckleberries seem so precious and the season so short. You have to grab this while you can get it! We have a great local restaurant that features this in season, so I usually let them do the baking on this one! A la mode!

13. Probably one of my all time favorites is just a slice of really fabulous watermelon. Well, more than one. But crisp and cool and so flavorful.

What's your favorite summer fruit dessert?

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  1. Mmm, they all sound yummy. I'll have to eat my fruit on its' own though. Yummy list. Happy T13!

  2. Yum. Peaches and pound cake.

  3. They all sound delicious - I love making strawberry shortcake - so good!

  4. Cobbler = heaven

    My mom used to make peach cobbler all summer long for us. I don't think it's possible to ever get enough of it!

    Now I have to go eat some breakfast, LOL!

  5. Awesome list! I just bought peaches today. Now for the pound cake.

  6. well, i take the pie filling mixture off of the inside label from cans of oregon tart cherries. since i don't have one with me right now, i can't get that to you. i use the flakey butter pastry recipe from joy of cooking...half butter...half crisco. always a hit. now, provided that i don't goof around with doubling the pie recipe, and end up with some sort of red gelatenous sludge (thanksgiving '03) really turns out quite yummy. basically, trust that a little bit of corn starch goes a long way to thicken things up. now, all this may need to be tinkered with a bit given you have freshly picked cherries! oh...heaven. :-)

  7. mmmm, yes, a cool slice of watermelon does it for me, too! Sorry I'm so late commenting, I'm playing a serious game of catch up!
