
Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday night grateful moment

This has been quite a week. So glad to get to Friday night... peace and relaxation for a few hours before it starts all over again.

Grateful for:
* Friends and sushi and cookie exchange parties (1 down, 1 to go!). And chatting. And sharing sweet kid stories. Love it.
* Music, Christmas and otherwise. Check out the video below. Straight, No Chaser from Indiana University. A great a capella group that has a new holiday CD out: Holiday Spirits. The CD is a reunion effort of a former SNC group (from a decade ago), and they are getting great press and will be on TV many times through the holidays. So fun. After the video below is done, there are some other clips with a fun interview, etc.

* My doggies. See Wednesday if you need more explanation. And, Darby and Ruby had a "moment" yesterday that resulted in Darby needing a nice warm bath and some comfort. I hope order is restored in the pack...
* Online Christmas shopping. Love it. Packages come, and sometimes things go back, but still, the ease of shopping from the comfort of home... ah!
* My men. So grateful for the haven that is home.
* Health. With news of illness (some serious, some less so) all around, I am so struck by gift of good health and what I need to do to continue that in the coming years. I want to be well in the "pre-golden" era... and beyond!
* Almost to the solstice. In a little more than a week we will get to turn the tide on this darkness and it will begin to creep back to longer days! Hermit tendencies will ebb, hopefully.
* Goodies galore. This is related to health, I suppose, but in moderation, I am tickled with all the new goodies and yummies of the season. It took me a bit to get the momentum going, but now that I'm there, expect pictures and posts.
* Which brings me to being grateful for computer access even though my laptop seems to be on the fritz. With Seth gone this week, I've comandeered his desktop and while it doesn't afford the cozy, go-anywhere freedom of my laptop, doesn't make me feel like I'm back in the dark, pre-computer ages, either.
* Unexpected packages in the mail. There are the expected ones, which are many this time of year... and then there are the unexpected, filled with tidbits and yummies and inspiration. I hope I wasn't supposed to wait to open it?

Peace, joy and goodwill, people. Remember that this is the time of year when extraordinary things can and do take place! Love it.


  1. one of my all time favourite christmas cd's is the mistletone's - check them out!

  2. Sushi??!!! Have you turned the raw fish corner? So exciting. Next visit to here - we're doing sushi!!!
