
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thirty days of gratitude: Day 17

The word for today is technology:

This one is easy for me, in thinking about how much technology impacts my life--every day, all day. My favorite forms of technology probably revolve around connection--Skype and phone/text for family and friends, Facebook and Instagram too.

Today I was grateful for technology in the form of a livestream discussion from Hunter College in NYC. A theologian I read and admire, Timothy Keller, was discussing whether life can have meaning without God, with a humanist chaplain from Harvard University, Greg Epstein. Being able to hear their discussion, as they were having it, from the other side of the country... that's something to be thankful for.


  1. I can probably get that discussion on YouTube, right? We are so spoiled! My lack of phone is somewhat troublesome but it will soon be resolved. I like texting you as you roll down the road and was so looking forward to being able to text Kim and Shelby too on regular messaging! Soon, soon!

  2. love technology. rather than pulling people apart and isolating us (as it was predicted to do) it seems it just brings us closer together.

  3. Lovely! It's easy to get annoyed with technology that we forget how completely amazing it is. Oh, your phone's slow? You mean that gadget that puts all of the world's knowledge in your pocket?
