
Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept. 23: Blogging origins

Today's blogging challenge: Why did you start blogging?

This seems a little too related to Saturday's post. Who came up with these prompts, anyway? ;)

Since you already know why I started blogging, I'm going to share with you some stuff I've read recently that I've been saving to share. This is one of the things I enjoy most about blogging, even if it's not exactly why I got started in the first place!

A very interesting piece on the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator, and why it's hung around so long when it appears to be somewhat sketchy in its accuracy.

Clean office or messy office? I totally take issue with the findings of this study that says a disorderly desk space invites creativity and new thinking. I can't think straight in a messy space.

So, James Franco wrote a book? Ha.

Favorite tweet from last week, relative to IOS7 rolling out:

Also in the IOS7 realm, this rundown of new ringtones is hilarious. The descriptions are quite elaborate. I never would have thought of a ringtone as having a backstory. Who knew?

Read anything interesting lately? Tell me!

Jen and I (and now my mom and Lisa too!) are blog challenging throughout September. You can catch her blog over at Stuff Jen Says. If you want to write along with us, give me a shout and I'll send you the blog prompts.


  1. That tweet made me laugh out loud! Also? I'm kind of over James Franco. I don't quite see why he's all that. What am I missing? Anyone?

    1. You're not missing anything, Chel. I am very much with you--he's never been big on my list.

  2. Read that article on the Meyers Briggs test. Hmmm... very interesting. Worthy of a chat with you.

    That tweet was cute... had trouble with an app this morning but it may just be me and not the app store! Grrr...

    I really don't care if someone has done a serious study on the clean desk messy desk thing. I just know that for me the ideas flow when I am tidy and my brain paralyzes when I am messy!

    Thanks, Babe.

    1. We will have a big convo on the MB test when you come in October. Maybe we can take it a few times and see how many different MB types we can come up with?! Ha.
