
Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday night grateful moment

I am in the land of nostalgia (Canada, in case you didn't know) tonight, surrounded by family. Much to be grateful for, even as I miss husband and my mind and heart are with him in many ways tonight.

I was grateful for good conversation with Seth on the ride up. Lots of chit chat about college choices, areas of study, and a little Monty Hall Problem thrown in for good measure. David Sedaris read to us for a bit today--his most recent book "Let's Explore Diabetes with Owls;" it was as amusing as David's writing usually is. We threw in a little Brian Regan and Jim Gaffigan, and the miles flew by.

Seth helped with driving part of the way, too. That was wonderful and I even got to snooze a little.

I am grateful for a grandma who is still going strong at 94. I don't know if "going strong" is the best term for it, but she's still here, and other than not being able to hear a lot of the conversation, she's pretty with it. I feel lucky, especially, to have Seth know her too.

The garden is chugging along beautifully. Kale is flourishing, potatoes are ready for harvest, the okra is coming along, tomatoes too. Oh and the summer squash and zucchini? Blink and they've multiplied, by leaps and bounds. I'm grateful for the plethora of produce, and for the watering/harvesting/weeding time each evening with husband.

I'm grateful for the camraderie my mother enjoys with her sisters. It is very lovely. I have great memories from my childhood of their giggle fits, and they still have a way of getting each other going, now. So good for the soul.

Seth said something tonight about being grateful, and it made me smile and feel grateful myself. I'm a blessed mom.

There were many long days this week for dear loved ones with health issues. So grateful for healing bodies, for amazing caregivers, for love and loyalty.

I'm grateful for the sleep that is calling me, right now. I shall heed the call!

I hope your weekend is as lovely as I'm sure mine is going to be.


  1. The weekend is over all too soon. Thanks for coming and sharing in the food and fun. To have family that makes an effort to reach out is a blessing to be grateful for.

    You are always so grateful. May your tribe increase.

  2. I am so late...just now checked out your blog.

    I love to see you use the word 'plethora'! Isn't that a wonderful word?

    Have a great new week. Thinking of you all.

  3. What a hoot! Love the title of the 'book'...I guess I better go get crackin' on my day!

  4. my mom is 93 and doing fairly well too. It's rare to still have parents around at that age! She lives a mile away in an ALF, and I too am so grateful for good caretakers!

  5. my weekend was wonderful :-) as was the week that followed...and this one is pretty darn good too!
