
Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday night grateful moment

Grateful tonight for so many things...

For the peaceful scene out our bedroom window. Layers of green: trees, grass, wheat not yet turned, distant hills... (That's not quite my view exactly, above. But very close...)

For friend time this week--an overdue lunch, an almost-spontaneous pedicure, texts and emails, pop-by hellos. Thank you, friends, for the lift and the love.

For technology that allows me to follow my parents as they gallivant around Europe. From Barcelona to Sicily to Croatia and a few points in between, seeing their posts on Facebook and their texts as they catch up--while waiting for evening entertainment on their cruise ship!--I am delighted to know they are well and enjoying their time abroad.

For dear Seth and his thoughtful ways. He turned an end-of-year reward for a job well-done into a treat for some of his friends and it warmed my heart; his very first thought was to give. And his love and affection for husband made me meltm as we had a little pre-celebration of Father's Day too.

For growth. I am known as someone who likes resolution in all things, and as quickly as possible, thank you very much. That is not always possible, of course, and I have had more than a couple of situations in my adult life that caused me frustration by their very nature of not being easily resolved. Alas, that's life. I reflected this week that I'm doing better with that particular aspect of life, and not being as easily frustrated. Of course, as soon as I say that, something will come up that knocks me right upside the head and I will be wanting rock solid assurances of a path, an answer, NOW. Ah well, still felt like it needed to be said. I am grateful for growth, even if it's baby steps.

For this season, and all that means, flavor-wise: tonight my salad had figs and nectarines in it. Yes, you heard me correctly: FIGS! So early too. Usually we don't have them locally until July or early August, but I spotted them at a downtown lunch/deli spot this week and had to buy a pound on the spot.

For laughter. I've been on a Jimmy Fallon jag lately, I think he's just the funniest comedian, and I love the way he can't keep a straight face! I love to laugh along. Here's his clip from just last night, in honor of Father's Day. Here's to you, Pa!

Of course, I can't help but share the Mom ones too...

For our pups. They are both doing well, and I feel really lucky that the transition of adding General into the family has gone so well. Chief seems to be doing well, needing affection and reassurance, of course, and General is just a love. He can be barky with anything that is noisy, but I think he's getting used to me and my morning routines, which include the blow dryer, the blender, coffee bean grinder... (I'm a noisy one in the morning, apparently...)

Pups out for a ride, sharing a seat.

For assurances of my place in the universe.

For husband, who brings me joy and laughter, and whose thoughtfulness and dedication to our family always inspires me.

For the weekend ahead, and even the week beyond that. Lots of good stuff going on, and summer and sunshine always add to the happy.

For energy to tackle what each new day brings!

Hope your grateful list is long tonight, wherever you are, and the weekend brings you all the good stuff you need to carry on. Peace.


  1. What a lovely list of gratitude...your attitude is splendid, dearie!!!

    Your pups are grand, aren't they? I took a photo of 'Ruby' this morning on the Rialto bridge in Venice....lovely memory.

    We are most thankful for a good trip, fun times and some learning new tricks on getting along in a foreign culture. It helps one learn to go with the flow.

    There are some real pinch-me moments like when we were sitting in St. Mark's Square and watched the people walk by in front of the Bascillica and the Doge's Palace...

    Good to see your blog again...ciao, Baby!!!

  2. Just looked at Jimmy Fallon...very good stuff :) The best part is watching him trying so hard not to crack up.
