
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A-Z blogging challenge:
Z is for Zest

How about ending the A-Z blogging challenge with a dual meaning word?

Zest: The outermost part of the rind of an orange, lemon, or other citrus fruit, used as flavoring.

Zest: Spirited enjoyment; gusto.

Jessica has spirited enjoyment and gusto, eh?

Zest is also something you can find in words... I am prone to zest via exclamation mark. Many times I go through an email or something else I've written and take out exclamation marks all over the place, thinking, "You can't really be *that* excited about it, Sher!" (See, I couldn't resist dropping one in there.)

I appreciate zest--in my food and my life--and enjoy zest when others bring a little to the party as well.

I found zest in this poem:

i thank You God for most this amazing
day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees
and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything
which is natural which is infinite which is yes

(i who have died am alive again today,
and this is the sun’s birthday; this is the birth
day of life and of love and wings: and of the gay
great happening illimitably earth)

how should tasting touching hearing seeing
breathing any--lifted from the no
of all nothing--human merely being
doubt unimaginable You?

(now the ears of my ears awake and
now the eyes of my eyes are opened)
-e. e. cummings

May you bring zest to all you encounter today!

I can't believe this is the last post of the A-Z blogging challenge. Thanks for sticking with me throughout, and to those of you who commented and became new followers--THANKS a bunch! Your patronage is appreciated, more than you know. 


  1. Congrats! I have *really* enjoyed each and every one of these posts- they have given me something to look forward to every day (seriously... seriously) and I appreciate that very much. I'm sorry I haven't commented more... I'm just feeling very off my game and I usually get super quiet whenever I am trying to collect myself. But I wanted to give you a round of applause not only for doing the challenge, but actually creating such thoughtful, nicely crafted posts. I can tell every one was made with love.

    1. Thanks, Chel. You have been on my mind and heart so much the past weeks, and I am so so sorry about Delilah. You are allowed to be a little "off your game" for a bit. Hang in there. I'm looking forward to returning to some sort of blogging normalcy in the next weeks and months... which means more time to visit my dear old friends, pre-A-Z! xoxo

  2. Wow! What an accomplishment. I am most proud of you and say congratulations. I may not have commented on every one but they have all been enjoyed and inspirational.

    Re: Zest...I am delighted to announce to you that I rose with delight this morning, already turned on some water outside on my lower gardens and even picked some weeds.

    Zest means different things at different ages for me. And that mostly externally. I would love, love, love to jump and run and fling myself at life every day. But the spirit is so willing is this silly body. What happened? Hmmm...

    Enjoy each day, dear girl, that you can rise with a song in your heart and spring through your days with Zest!!!!

    1. I hope you get your zest back soon, Ma! So sorry you both have been sick since getting home. Boo on allergies.

  3. Zesty post! Love how the video and the ee cummings verse fit your topic.
    Nice Z-day idea.
    Congratulations on finishing the A-Z!

    1. Thanks, Linda! Z wasn't as hard as X, for sure!

  4. Congratulations 'Sweet Tea and Sunshine Sher'. This challenge has earned us some zzzzzzzzz time, and while I am near exhaustion you and this post are full of zest, I'm in awe and impressed.

    1. I've so enjoyed getting to know you through your blog, Ida. Now I've got the Liebster to take care of... what's the saying? No rest for the wicked? Ha. Something like that!

  5. Great post on Zest and I loved the poem. :)

  6. Congratulations on finishing the A-Z Challenge! I'm so glad to have found your blog, which I'd describe as very zestful!

    1. Thanks, I'm happy to have found your blog as well!

  7. Zest for life is good... and you are the best example of living a zestful life.

    When you walk into a room things get brighter because of you.

    What a great finish to a project well done. That poem is so right on!

    I just wish there were more letters in the alphabet so this wasn't over now.

    1. Thanks, Pa. I could do the alphabet all over again, I've enjoyed this so much!

  8. I can't BELIEVE we chose the same word. It only took 26 posts to do....that's not bad, right??;)
    P.S. So sorry I missed your last text tonight--Shiloh turned down my phone so he could sleep and I didn't realize it! Hee!

    1. Did you laugh out loud when you saw it? That's the real question!

  9. Stopping by from your comment on the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Z post on Facebook!

    Great post.
    I just spotted something about ravioli with corn cream sauce... and... I... must... click........
    Oh no, 5 exclamation points? Now I'm in trouble. ;)

    1. Never too many exclamation points when you're talking about cream sauce!!
