
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday 13: Thirteen things I don't "get"

Sometimes, very occasionally of course (!), I get teased about my "SweetTea&Sunshine-ness." Meaning, I think, that my glass-half-full outlook is a bit misbelieved, and surely I can't be grateful for everything, right? Of course not. Things bug me, or get me down. I just don't dwell on them a lot... And, as I like to say (a la Sally from When Harry Met Sally), I have a dark side, same as the rest of you.

While this isn't exactly my "dark" side, I have been keeping a little list of things, as they come up, that don't resonate with me. A little of this, a little of that, some recent and pop-culture-y, some that have been in place for a very long time. If I told you how long I'd been working on the list, you'd undoubtedly laugh!

So, this week, 13 things that I don't "get."

1. Why will the 50 Shades of Gray thing just not die? Every time I think that the 15 minutes of exposure for that book is over, nope, it's back again, in some headline or parody.

2. Golden raisins. (This one is a long-lasting "don't get.") In anything, cooked or uncooked, it makes no difference to me. I like my raisins dark, not golden. 

3. Twilight, vampire, zombies, goth. Any and all of that, no thanks. If it's undead, currently dead or never going to die, it's not my bag. (This is unrelated to No. 6, really.)

4. Tops with a high front and low back. This trend just seems backwards to me. Cleavage, people! What's it called in the back? Backage? And where's your bra? (I know, I'm starting to sound like an old lady. You kids and your crazy fashion. Ha.)

5. Chain jewelry, and really, really big jewelry. BIG. (And if you're really lucky, chain + big. Oh, baby.)

6. Kristin Stewart. (And Robert Pattinson. But we can leave him out of it so it doesn't feel like an anti-Twilight rant. It's not.) I don't get her, any appeal or attraction or anything. She's a lump of uncharismatic sullenness. I have a long-ish list of "don't get" celebrities, but I'll spare you the full rundown. Suffice it to say that Ms. Stewart is rather toward the top.

7. Negative energy. I don't get it, and I don't get why people are drawn to others with negative energy. When I am around it, I realize how little there is of that in my life, and I'm thankful. I saw someone recently that I don't frequently interact with, and from start to finish it was unpleasant. Not overly awful or anything, just subtle. Like grumpy cat. Why would I seek that out?

8. Soul patches. (Adventurous facial hair in general.) Nothing more to say on this topic.

9. Laziness. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for slothfulness--just ask husband about my weekend morning sleep-in-roll-over-sleep-some-more habits. Diligently applied downtime (activity at the zero level) is critical to regrouping for another week. But what I'm talking about is the no effort + over time equation. What? Huh? How do you expect to get ANYthing done? Drives me nuts.

10. Use of the word "whilst." I know, it's all the rage in this Downton Abbey world. But I don't get it. It's "while," people. WHILE. We are not in Great Britain. (This is especially prevalent on Facebook. Why, I do not know.)

11. Wishing. I just don't get wishing for things that aren't possible. I know that attribute can be perceived as a lack of "dreaming," but it really isn't that, in my book. If a door is closed, don't go pounding on it. Move on. Spend time working toward things that ARE possible. I suppose it's the pragmatism in my nature, but I find people who say "I wish" a lot very puzzling.

12. Performance art. I have long ago reconciled myself to being toward the uncultured end of the spectrum. (I heard that sharp intake of breath. You are very disappointed in me. Oops. You'll get over it.) The symphony? No thanks, I'll listen at home. The opera? Only if someone I know and love is performing (which puts the chances of attending at nil, but I didn't want to close the door entirely. Who knows what my dear nieces might chose for a future profession?) The ballet? Certainly. I'm not completely without class.

But performance art? I just don't get it. The gene that enjoys and appreciates it is somehow missing from me. The gene that could compel me to participate? That got transported to a galaxy far, far away.

13. Dreds. It's definitely a style thing, just not my style.

Don't get me wrong. If you are into these things, I say, "Yeah" for you. "Yippee!" even... But for me, not so much. Even little Miss SweetTea&Sunshine doesn't love *everything.*

Hope you're having a great day! In the comments, tell me what things you don't get, either... I'd love to hear them--maybe my list will grow!

For more Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. Life is full of such little ires. However, I do hope you'll have some compassion for your energy-sucking friends. They need a little love, too.

    1. Too true, Country Dew. I will work on the tolerance! :)

  2. Sherilee? Is that you?

    I'm with you on K. Stewart...I just want to, well, since my word for this year is kind, I'll hush up ;-)

    Thanks for playing!

    1. It *is* me, Janet! I know, I know. If I could only convey how little my brain can hold outside of work stuff lately... thinking up 13 of ANYthing is more than I've been able to do. Sadly.

  3. Ha! I agree with you on most, but...

    1. People like innuendo. This 50 shades stuff just gives another way of playing.
    5. Oh my! I hope she bought that big chain for herself. Just sayin'...
    7. I agree with your thought, but that grumpy cat picture is hilarious! :-D
    12. I take pictures that many wouldn't think are art, so I'm willing to let other people create art I don't understand. ;-)
    13. Dreds are just a visual Jamaican accent. Who wouldn't want that?! Brings to mind VW's Superbowl ad. No dreds in sight, but the vibe is there. :-)

    1. 7. I swear, the grumpy cat picture was the closest thing I could post without actually giving away what the person I interacted with looks like. Think human version of the grumpy cat.
      12. Good point. I will take under advisement. ;)
      13.I liked that ad when I saw it around the Superbowl time... I understand the Jamaican accent angle, but can't imagine actually doing that, myself, mon.

  4. 1. I've wondered that myself. is it just a free pun and mock zone, for the post-Newfie joke era? 3. agreed. make it go away. 4. I cna understand that. so much women's clothes is about the boobabe. what if you're small-breasted? it's like a western Sari. 5. I missed that trend. 12. heh. love your bracketed bit.

    1. My husband laughed when he saw #4... he wanted to know if I was really advocating that the front go as low as those backs!

  5. Yeah, I can't understand the appeal of Kristin Stewart either. Pattinson, in some roles, I can say "Oh, okay - totally get it, there!" But I can't do that with her. Bleah.

    However, as far as the performance art goes, I don't usually get that either, but the one you shared, I *do* get. It seems to me that it's about connection between people, and how, even in that artificial setting, a human connection can be made. If you saw other examples, in real time, of "The Artist is Present", you'd see people laughing, smiling, even crying, all from sitting with her for a minute. Just one minute, and a connection is made. I find it rather moving, really.

    But no, I wouldn't say all performance art is great. Sometimes it's only meant to make you think - if only to try and figure out what the *bleep!* is going on! ;)

    1. After I saw that YouTube of The Artist is Present, I did a bunch of research on the two of them, and her in particular, and was very intrigued by the whole thing. But I still have to say I don't "get it." Maybe I'm just not deep enough?

  6. Tard isn't negative, she's cute! She's a funny little dwarf cat with an expression that makes her look grumpy.
    I've never chosen to be a "dark" person, but I have bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. I have been greatly misunderstood for most of my life, and it hasn't made it easy to have a sunny outlook. My (dark) sense of humor has kept me from committing suicide.
    People have asked me if I could take a pill and change my personality, would I? On my worse days, I might say yes, but in general, I'd have to say no. I wouldn't recognize myself any other way than as I am. And who's to say that being as I am is really so "bad."

    1. Thank you for your comment and perspective, Tempest. I toss off that "dark" comment pretty flippingly, without considering how it might sound to those who battle with these issues. In terms of those with negative energy, I am not talking about those with "dark" sides, but those who have very little in life to complain about, yet seem to always find something to moan over.

      I am glad your (dark) sense of humor has kept you going. I would wager those that love you wouldn't want you any other way.

      Thanks for coming by to visit.

  7. Grin. I want to get Fifty Shades of Chicken. It seems fun and I like chicken. For that reason alone I'm glad that people are still on the 50 Shades thing.

    1. I wonder if it means there are sexy recipes in the book? (Although, what's a sexy recipe?)

      Thanks for coming by! Happy TT!

  8. Whilst I enjoyed your list, I was too busy dwelling on my own tally of "I just don't get it"s. Thanks. I may post my own soon.

    1. Good one, Ron. Thanks for the smile, and for coming by!

  9. OMGoodness- I love this!

    Stuff I am over right this moment: North Korea threats, leather under-clothing (especially those leather leggings- ick), the whole "hipster" movement (especially the granola-crunchy people who loudly damn everyone for not living in 200 square foot houses, quitting their jobs, and living off their land like they do), using "I'm holding space for you..." as an excuse not to take action and actually HELP someone, ultraviolence, anything Kardashian, Justin Bieber and his temper tantrums, Chris Brown and HIS tempter tantrums, adults who champion alcoholism (including chugging wine at 11am playdates and then bragging about it on Facebook- why is it cool that you have to get hammered at an 11am birthday party? It just makes me so sad, but that seems to be the trend in the local mom community).

    I'm going to stop now. But needless to say, anything that includes a lot of avoiding, acting out, or trendiness kinda pings my "so over" (which is related to "don't get"... right?) radar. I'm waiting for there to be a movement back to good deeds and active love again.

  10. Oh! Your list is good too, Chel. So much there to dislike! ;)

    I am SO with you on good deeds and active love--I do feel like there is a lot of focus on that in certain areas of my world and around the internet, etc. It just needs my attention more than the other stuff... some days that's easier than others!


  11. What a great list...they totally make sense...I gotta write me a list...I think I would get over it if I actually wrote it down and was done with thinking of those silly things out there that I just don't get!!!

    Don't you feel better?
