
Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday night grateful moment:
Looking back in gratitude

I was reminded this week of the time that's gone by--seemingly so quickly, this past decade--and all I have to be grateful for in that span:

*For the events that shook my life into an unrecognizable state. In retrospect, such a necessary shaking.

*For the smackdown of smugness in obliterating a perception of the ideal couple or perfect family unit. Losing smugness is never a bad thing.

*For the people who stepped into the void and put their arms--literally and figuratively--around me. I still shake my head at the width and breadth of that outpouring.

*For the family who supported even my less-thought-out notions as I made premature decisions and floundered at times.

*For a community that welcomed my small business efforts. Those first few clients who took a chance on me, I remember them fondly.

*For my sweet kid, who gave me reason to get out of bed every morning and put a smile on my face. Who ate Doritos while lounging on my catering kitchen floor (yes, floor, don't ask) watching Scooby-Doo DVDs. Who heard me when I said, "Be kind to your mama, boy. It's been a long day/week/month/year." He really got it, for such a wee one. And he still gets it (and me) now.

*For written words that soothed me. Well, they sometimes challenged me and sometimes they soothed me. They definitely grew me.

*For beginning the practice of writing down my blessings. It helped me reframe my circumstances into glass-half-full, always.

*For sleep aids. True.

*For the space and time to get to know myself again, as an single adult woman (that sounds so clinical, said like that). The difference between 18 and 35 is profound. (Understatement of the week.)

*For work that challenged me, creatively and physically.

*For the man who came into my life and made loving again so easy. (Husband.)

*For the years we've been together, filled with lots of conversation, laughter and foot rubs.

*For all that I'm able to be awake to the possibility of now, in all areas of my life, because of the challenges.

May your weekend be filled with reflection on your own blessings. Peace.


  1. WOW...can't believe it's been that long! I remember back then--sitting in our living room, talking about what had happened and being amazed at your ability to be so nice about the whole "situation." I even remember you using the word "smug" at the time. So glad everything turned out for the best and that you and Seth are both so happy now!

    1. You and your family are on my grateful list for all your support, Robin. It meant a great deal then, and still does now as I look back!

    2. Lacey's hugs--I won't every forget Lacey's hugs! Such a snuggler that one was.

  2. I love your blog with your messages of gratitude - thank you for all of them!

    1. Thanks, Trixie. I appreciate your comment. Gratitude is infectious, isn't it?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh, wow! I found you through mutual-square-toothed-friend Lisa's favorite blog list, and I am so grateful to her for introducing me to you! I know I'm going to absolutely LOVE your blog, and am happily following now! Nice to have met you! :) :) :)

  5. Yes, we are to be grateful for the pain as well as the pleasures of life...without the pain pleasure would not be so grand.

    Thank you for being your grateful self. I am very grateful to be able to call you Daughter!
