
Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday morning inspiration

Following a weekend with rest and family time--my parents breezed through on their way to warmer times and climes--and a bit of work and reorg for the week ahead, I find myself in need of inspiration. Always. There's nothing special about this new week in particular. In general, I always like to look for something to propel me into the coming week. Of course, I have only to turn to my many and varied friends who post interesting things around Facebook and Twitter to be revived in spirit. Or Pinterest. Or my Google Reader. Or Zite. So, yes, many places to be inspired...

This post, which has apparently been read by 1.2 millionreaders, is one I read with interest. I think we've all felt at times that we're not at our optimal weight, so please turn that camera away from me! But the author, who is also a professional photographer, makes a good argument for being who we are, at this moment in time, and owning it, and not letting the opportunity to record precious moments pass by.

I found this piece by Shane Claiborne quite thought provoking. Shane tends to be a controversial figure; when people look and act and speak differently than we think they should, controversy tends come along with the territory. I also think that God uses envelope-pushers to help us all really drill down to what is real, what to believe, and what to let go. I think my favorite sentence was: "So if God should choose to use us, then we should be grateful but not think too highly of ourselves. And if upon meeting someone we think God could never use, we should think again."

Spring really does feel like it's coming soon. The temperatures have been almost balmy in the day--though there was a definite chill in the sunny air yesterday and the nights are of course still downright cold. I have been enjoying the garden-ish inspiration on Pinterest lately. Here is the sweetest idea for a spring/Easter centerpeice...

The next couple of weeks are getting ready for the annual fundraising luncheon that I help with each year--though this year I am helping less than usual.... A friend posted this quote on Facebook and I remembered hearing it a couple of years back and wanting to remember it--but promptly forgetting. Now, I won't forget it, I've got it tucked away:

“I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.” -Kahlil Gibran

May your week have a bit of service and joy in it!


  1. Shane's a solid. Heard about his book Irresistable Rev this weekend and saw him for the first time on the YouTubes --

  2. I will check out that book. He came to WWU recently, within the past couple of years anyway. Cutting edge over here, I tell you!
