
Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday morning inspiration

The view for much of our roadtrip this past weekend.

I have been reflecting on my lack of dietary freshness of late. Some winters I do a better job with keeping up on the salads and such, other winters... not so much. This is one of those not so much winters. So, knowing I should be doing better, I have been looking for some inspiration beyond the box of greens languishing in the fridge, and of course, there are plenty of options.

Kale and squash salad or Brussels sprout salad or Winter radicchio slaw or Endive salad with blue cheese, red grapes and pecans. There is surely no excuse for my lack of salad intake... I'm determined to turn this trend around!

I was cleaning out my inbox over the weekend--it tends to creep up in number if I don't keep an eye out, know what I mean?--and saw a leftover devotional email from the very end of 2012, talking about a Psalm for the new year, Psalm 90. I saw this paraphrase below, and love how it aligns with so much of what I want to remember every day, as well as what I've chosen for my OLW 2013: Light. I love it when my procrastination results in an a-ha moment when that same email might have gotten a quick delete a month or two ago.

Spring doesn't seem so far away these days. The sun has come out here and there, enough to tease toward whole days of cloudless skies. And the temperatures have been almost balmy as well. Seeing color forecasts from Pantone never hurts, either. I actually saw the fall one first and thought, "Oh brother, surely we aren't fast-forwarding straight to fall?" and went looking for spring.

Which are your favorites? For spring, mine has to be Tender Shoots or Lemon Zest or Nectarine (I know, hard to choose!). For fall, I'm Acai and Koi, with a little Mykonos Blue... Regardless, I do love both palettes!

pantone fall fashion

Panorama of the lake of my childhood, Okanagan Lake.

Wishing you the kind of week that brings blue skies, fresh air and glassy lakes (even if they're all just figurative!).


  1. is that panorama pic yours? looks like it was taken in summerland..?

    1. Between Summerland and Peachland. Greata Ranch. Just to the left of the panorama is that big arching sign.

  2. Beautiful panorama. Bonitas Winery?

  3. I like the way the panorama gets the guys out! See my comment to Shelby's above: Greata Ranch.

    1. Ha! I love it. :-)

      Here's Google Maps' view:

  4. ha! those mountains are tattooed in my brain. not to mention the mysterious menace (abandoned mini-golf course!?) of rattlesnake island.

  5. Remember taking the sail boat over to Rattlesnake Island and looking for snakes on this scrufie little piece of land. What was the name of the fellow who tried to develop that?

    Love the spring and fall colours. It is amazing how some of those fall colours are what we have in our house in AZ. Hmmm...

    Your road photo brings back many memories for me...trekking with you and your brother to and fro to UCA and then WW. I knew that road well.

    Memories flood my soul!!
