
Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday morning inspiration

Here's Monday! (Say that like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Go on, I dare you. Your family will think you're as nuts as mine thinks I am!)

This weekend we had one day of fog, one day of mixed (gray-sun-gray); some rest, some work, some joy, some ho-hum. Usual weekendness... nothing too out of the ordinary. Just what I needed!

And while we all scurry off to another week, I thought I'd share few lovely odds and ends I collected over the weekend. It seems to be a new tradition with me; since I did it last Monday, I'm rolling with it for week 2. (Remember, Seth and I both come from the school of "once is a habit, and twice is so ingrained you couldn't possibly NOT do it.")

When I saw the video below, I was a little dumbstruck by the talent in the room. I can honestly say that the chances of our family and friends--much as we love them--singing thusly at a wedding, well, it just wouldn't be possible. But if you happen to be so blessed, I say go for it! So very very fun.


I have followed the blog of Jay and Katherine Wolf for some years now, always inspired by their strength and courage in the face of obstacles to Katherine's complete recovery. Katherine had an undiagnosed AVM burst about five years ago, and her resulting stroke changed their lives completely (understatement alert). I found this new PSA that Katherine is a part of, which warns of the signs of a stroke, quite engaging.

This blog from an Australian writer is one that consistently causes me to pause and reflect on all things leadership and "inner life." Her post this weekend about an individual who " her giant kaleidoscope a quarter-turn and sees possibility" was no exception. Loved it.

I spent some time in Pinterest this weekend and naturally came away with 16 new craft ideas, 33 new recipes and a bundle of pretty outfits to pine for. Such is the life of a pinner. But here were a few pins in the "just because" category, that made me smile or sigh.

For this week: If you haven't been feeling well, I hope you beat whatever bug's been ailing you. If you aren't especially energetic, I hope you find that perfect cup of coffee with an extra shot (or a nap)! And if you need a word of encouragement, my tip of the day is to offer a kind word to to someone else and see if that does the trick of coming back around to you too; it often does for me. Not rocket science, but it's amazing how often I forget that...

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. "And if you need a word of encouragement, my tip of the day is to offer a kind word to to someone else and see if that does the trick of coming back around to you too; it often does for me."

    AMEN! Usually what you need to hear is exactly what those around you need to hear, too. I try and remember that constantly. It never ceases to amaze me that it's so true. Thanks for the reminder!
