
Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

As you can imagine, I am torn between reflecting and writing on gratitude, and just sitting here, by the tree, *being* grateful. Om.

Alright, om time can wait. It's been a full week, with challenges and opportunities alike, but the fire is on, my boys are in the house, and the list, it calls to me.

This week I am grateful for age and maturity. I know, who knew? But it's true, SO true. I have zero desire to be any age other than the one I am. Youth, well, it's wasted on the young, as Oscar Wilde used to say... but the relative wisdom that comes from having walked down a path or two, even the paths where backing up or starting over was necessary... that wisdom is so well- (and hard-) earned, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Now, about the gray hairs... not so much.

With thankfulness for friends and conversation and the ease and flow of being together, my heart is full. I got to see a number of friends over lunch and/or extracurricular activities this week, which always makes me smile. The 10th anniversary of making pierogies took place, and a lovely post-making supper by the Christmas tree was just so peaceful and relaxing... I am grateful for traditions like that, sneaking up on me (10 years?!).

Husband had work that took him across the snowy mountains this week, and thankfully he's home safe and sound tonight. I am grateful for that, and for the restful weekend ahead, and (a little further out) the holiday week we are anticipating, too. Peaceful family time. Ah. 

Pumpkin is definitely my gateway flavor to the season, which leads me to cranberry, which leads me to eggnog, which undoubtedly leads me to yams and brussels sprouts and then back to pumpkin... I'm sure there are more flavors in there, but yum yum, this is a great time of year for eating (but I say that at every season, don't I?). Grateful grateful for the lovely flavors of the holidays. Time enough to switch back to kale and quinoa in January! Bring on the butter!

You may have surmised (correctly) from the top picture, but I am grateful for our tree, for the warm glow that it gives off, and all the beautiful ornaments (many of which have come from a particularly generous Santa Aunty). Many have memories and sentimentality attached to them; I love sitting and looking at them, taking a little walk down memory lane...

Oh and the tunes! The season is really here when the music starts to seep into my quiet mental space, when the internal humming is automatically a cycle through various carols and Christmas tunes. My current favorite is Cee Lo Green singing my all-time No. 1 Christmas song, "Mary, Did You Know?" "Cee Lo's Magic Moment" album is the revelation of the season, kid you not. Do not mock as some friends have. Listen and be pleasantly surprised. I am grateful for music-y friends and our shared enjoyment in tunes.

I have mentioned before my penchant for this season and the way it appears to work its magic (what at times seems like miraculous magic) on all of us, somehow for a time softening our innate human pettiness and allowing a pause for conflict and dischord. It's crazy and sometimes feels unexplainable, but then I sit by our tree and listen to Cee Lo (and others) singing, and it all makes perfect sense.

I hope your weekend, and your holiday season, are filled with joy.

And peace.


  1. What a lovely posting...the photo of you three girls is so great...and what a great tradition. I find it very reassuring re: the females of the world to see women your age meeting together, caring about one another and encouraging one another as you move through life.

    And the perogies look so yummy!

    Went over to your list of food blogs and clicked on "They Draw and Cook". Their cookbook looks like a great idea for a young cook we both know...I think I will send it to her for Christmas?

    Lots to be thankful for here too. Sunshine and warm days have been good for our souls. When we get our dining room set up we will start to have folks for dinner and really get to know some new people. Right now we are still in the still in the rooms-partly-painted/no-furniture/concrete floors stage of life but it is coming along nicely.

    Have a lovely rest as you snuggle down by your tree. I think I may go back to Costco and buy the pretty wreath to hang on our door...have to give a wee nod to Christmas!

    God bless and be well.

  2. Beautiful things to be thankful for! And oh, the tree!!! GORGEOUS! xo

  3. OMG, I want to eat that right now. Seriously. (not the tree, the pierogies). And the tree is LOVELY. I love the silver-y effect. We have a tree with LED lights and over the years the cooler color lights have gone dim, so the tree looks a little too technicolor for me this year. I set up a smaller tree with silver lights, a silver gardland, some bells, and some quartz and I like the effect so much better. Your tree is just GORGEOUS.
