
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Remembering: Nine years later

It wasn't until I read a Facebook post of a friend of a friend, so to speak (I know, privacy, right?!) last night about an upcoming surgery date (today), that I realized I was going to wake up this morning to an anniversary of my own--nine years since my thyroidectomy. Nov. 13, 2003.

I have some very concrete memories of that day: the blessing of having my parents come to town specially to take care of me and watch over Seth while I was overnight in the hospital; of a dear Walt Meske (the hospital chaplain had been my dean of students in college) coming and praying with me prior to surgery and my tears at his tender and loving heart (love that man!); my amazement at the anesthesia, not having ever gone completely under before (or since); of being woken every hour in the night for a vitals check (gah, how annoying); of feeling very fragile but also incredibly strong. The surgery itself came on the heels of my own "annus horribilis," and feeling like I could check this off my list in 2003 I remember as very empowering, indeed.

That particular portion of my life is wonderful to look back on, and reminds me not to take my good health for granted. It also fills me with a lot of thankfulness that such surgical procedures exist and were available to me; knowing that there are places and people for whom that is not the case is sobering indeed.

By the Monday following my Thursday surgery, I was up and at work again, doing a small catering and easing back into life. It didn't take long for the scar to diminish (good surgeon, aging neck, fabulous combo!) and having the surgery take place at the cusp of turtleneck season certainly didn't hurt.

One of the first thoughts I had upon the realization of this day and its significance is a song that a former co-worker shared with me earlier in 2003--not in regard to the thyroid issues, as that hadn't blossomed yet, but about my awful year. I listened to this album of Sara's a lot the summer/fall of 2003, and it has remained forever linked to that time in my memories. I was convinced I'd shared it here before, but my brief search this morning turned up zip, so I'll share it now.


 My thoughts and prayers today will be with my fellow Nov. 13 surgery-goers (I subsequently found out I know of another person going under the knife today), and that their recoveries are quick and complete.


  1. I'm glad you are well and whole in every way, every day. :)xo!

    1. Thanks, lady. I'm very glad to be here and be well, too!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Just very thankful for how it has all turned out...

      Makes for a restful heart.

  3. I remember that day. So glad that today it is a non issue.

    But when one goes thru that door and goes under the knife, only One knows the outcome.

    Here's another thing for the grateful list.
    And it is a big one. PTL.

    1. And didn't I get a beautiful pergola out of the deal, too?! That's how I remember it. Thanks, Pa. xo

  4. I'm glad you made it through and that you're ok! I kind of had to laugh at the way the video showed's like the girl was photobombing the pic!

    1. I thought the same thing about the video, Janet! Funny stuff. I'm glad you've made it through (much more serious stuff than silly thyroid issues) and are OK too! xo
