
Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

Things I'm grateful for tonight:

Understanding. Connection. Belonging.

The gift of a new day. 

Laughter. Or at the very least, chuckling.

It's been a good week around here--a mix of fun, work, love, laughter, good food and more work. I hope yours has been fulfilling and as well!

What are you grateful for this beautiful Friday night?


  1. I can identify with not finding a TV series you like easily... and then wanting to watch the whole thing non stop. We went thru that stage... and then we got too busy to watch anything much and cancelled our Netflix.

    1. You will have some time this winter to catch up on your TV watching, I hope!

  2. Great quotes...yes, I am thankful for good thoughts, expressed well, but I am grateful for much more.

    It is nice to stop our obsessive focus around here for just a few hours every week. What would we do without Sabbath? Yesterday when I stopped for a couple hours to vacuum and tidy it felt so good.

    Thank you also for your encouraging words last night...see you soon!

    1. Sabbath is such a good break. Someone wise told me that, years ago, I think! xo

  3. Beautiful! I am grateful for you!! :)

  4. Oh gosh, I SO get the Netflix one! Same thing with Hulu.

    At this very moment I am grateful for the cool weather, my family, underwater music players and the ability to put new music on them instantly, mechanical pencils and blank pages, that it's fall, that the election is over tomorrow, that I feel a little better today than I have in about ten days and maybe things will turn around a bit as far as my overall emotional well-being.

    1. I love watching season after season of a show. It's so fun. Thanks for sharing your grateful list, too.
