
Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday night grateful list:

Such a quick week, in many ways. And yet, I always felt a little behinder... always catching up, running, being oh-so-close to late for meetings and appointments, guessing that surely it must be Wednesday when it was only Tuesday... and by the end of today I felt a lot like this:

In between all the nuttiness there were some really lovely moments, and a gobzillion reminders of all that I have to be thankful for:

For the friends who remembered my birthday (even long past the date) with tokens of rainbows, crochet, books and owls (seeds of happiness even showed up on my desk this week!) and all the little things that make me me. I am aware of my transparancy most days, but months like October and November, I realize that maybe I should keep some of my owl/green/bunny/color freakishness to myself. (Like that will happen!)

A card with the following sentiment really made my day (it went with the rainbow tissue and sushi lunch below):

It was the rainbow 

gave thee birth, 

and left thee 

all her lovely hues. 

-W.H. Davies

I reflected a number of times this week on my husband and his rock-solid good sense and reasoning. With all he has on his plate, I couldn't be prouder of him (or more grateful for him) and the way he lives his values.

Seth is home! If I didn't have a bit of restraint, there would have been so very many exclamation points after that sentence. (Feel free to envision thusly.) Grateful for the many hugs, chats, walks, hugs, discussions, dishwasher emptying and laundry-doing, hugs and more hugs in the weeks ahead.

Thursday night I got to meet the founder of glassybaby when Lee Rhodes came to town to support The Mom's Network. Supported the cause, too, and got to purchase from Lee herself; I told her how we'd had glassybabies at our wedding seven years ago. Since the company only opened its showroom in Seattle in 2003, she was curious how I'd come to know about her in 2005... so we chatted, and I was able to express my appreciation for her company and all the light they've brought into so many lives.

Words crossed my path this week that made me pause and reflect and nod in agreement. Case in point:

"There is no circumstance, no trouble, no testing, that can ever touch me until, first of all, it has gone past God and past Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with a great purpose." -Alan Redpath

Somehow, I have a feeling that almost every person I know who believes, will read that and think I posted it for them. And, I did!

I am also so so grateful that my whole family is coming for the Thanksgiving holiday, and we'll get to be together and eat the best meal of the whole year, together. Did I mention the together part? Dominoes! Movies! Walks! Chats! Together! (Now I've frightened them all with my exclamation marks... don't be frightened, dear ones...)

My cousin Jill posted this on Facebook this week, and I loved it, every minute of it.


I hope this weekend that you sing and dance while the music is played. What are you grateful for this week?


  1. It is the middle of the night and since there was clicking on a computer next to me I decided to get my computer and fight fire with fire. So right now at almost 4 am I feel like the boy hitting the wall.

  2. I love color more than most anything so every time you post about color I get excited. Right now I'm grateful for the beautiful weather, my little family, actually getting excited about the holidays (trying to get it done before December 1st this year so I can actually kick back and experience December as a serene and creative time of fulfillment rather than a giant stress fest), CROCHET (so loving crochet right now), new creative ideas, time in the studio, hot cups of holiday flavored tea, my big fluffy robe I put on when I get out of the pool, the kitties, movies, sunshine.

  3. Oh, Sher. I had no idea about Lee Rhodes and the Glassybaby story. Wow. So inspiring. I can see why you were so moved by meeting her. Thank you for sharing this. And that boy on the wall thing...too funny. Now, as to next week's "together" time...!!!!!!!!!! (me too).
